Wheel of The Year Spread- card of the Month- December

Ace of Cups (RX) 
A sense of a new start, opening the lid to new possibilities (Emotional ) 
a block, delay to new relationships ... maybe there is a challenge within relationships, Emotional challenges, struggles.. 


Forhaxa Tarot  
Page of Water, Nine of Earth, Four of Air, Seven of Air, Three of Air  ..  

I know I rambled in the video  but here is a quick overview  of my final thoughts  
This month may be important I am in emotional alignment as I give myself a little pampering to gain what is needed in my journey, reminding to reflect on what is important, to stand in my own power as there may  be some disappoints during this month.  .

With Faery Forest Card- King of The Darkwood Elves   . 
I feel like I need to be in control of my path, remember to stay in integrity knowing my appearance of what  others feel about me is  not important  but what I think of myself is...  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune