How Rude does it Sound?

I been going through the tarot Thread on Twitter and I can not believe how many people demand a tarot deck to be gifted to them...  or even ask for one ...
I believe it sounds so rude ..... and absolutely not necessary ...

 I know this has been a heated discussion over time with the belief that tarot Decks, especially the first set should be gifted... This has been a myth that has circulated for many years and not held by many Professional Tarot Readers that are authors and Mentors... They believe, as I do myself, that a tarot deck will work for you  especially when you are drawn to it's artwork .. Once you have a basic understanding of the keywords you can read any Tarot deck that you choose for yourself.. It is wonderful when a friend purchases a deck for you maybe for your birthday but absolutely not necessary in having your First tarot deck gifted to you...
Choose a deck you find inspirational, feel the energy of the deck... Go to a store or check online and purchase the deck yourself ..

There are many readers that have chosen their own deck and continue to work professionally with that first deck ...
I know many readers that were gifted a deck and that deck has stayed in a drawer somewhere never to be picked up again...

To demand some one gifts you a deck is, I believe Rude and quite bad behaviour.  To expect your friends to shell out money for a tarot deck .. it is an expense they may not be able to afford... and also they may not know what type, theme of deck you want.. If you friend is not really into tarot in a huge way they may not understand the differences between Rider Waite Smith, Thoth and Tarot de Marseille ... they may not realize some of the decks have non-scenery, non - people minor arcana.. They may not realize there are some decks calling themselves Tarot decks that do not carry a full 78 cards .. They may not realize There are some decks that are a 22 Major Arcana tarot Deck ... There are some decks that can be both a Tarot and an oracle ...  So much easier to purchase a deck you can check out for yourself ....

being Rude and demanding does not get you a Tarot deck !


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


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