Kabbalah Spread with the Chinese Tarot ...

I love this spread as it looks at the Aspects of the Tree of Life , finding clarity through the Tarot ...

Let us explore One card at a time ... 
 We begin with Malkuth The Foundations of the Pathway at this time ...
Page of Swords - Truth, enthusiasm for ideas, plans, thoughts....

Yod- World of Unconsciousness, Dreams, Imagery
Two of Cups- balance, choices, give and take.. polarity, duality ...

Hod- Logical Thinking
Knight of Staves- Observation before moving ahead ...

Netzach- Feelings, emotions
High Priestess- Moon Energies, Ancient Secrets, Magick, Psychic abilities...

Geburah- Will, Force, Strength
Eight of Swords- Suppressed, restricted restrained on some level

Chesed- Liberation, abundance
Wheel of Fortune- decisions on how to react to situation, moving ahead through decisions made...

Tiphareth -Personal Self
The Fool - Free Spirited, unrestrained in personality, unique...

Binah- Understanding
The Empress- Fertility, abundance, bounty

Chokmah- Sudden Insight, Wisdom
The Tower- crumbling barriers, walls, take a leap of faith, brings understanding to rebuilding as desires...

Kether- Oneness and Awareness
Four of Coins- What is being held onto? Is it for the Good of Self? Does it benefit self on one's path? 

There is so much  we can explore with these cards in these positions..... Meditation required on each position with each card.... ...

Will need to be updated as we work through each Sphiroth ... each tarot card in each position ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune