Tarot of Fire Celtic Cross Layout ..

Date:  21st September, 2018
Reading For:
Spread Used: Celtic Cross
(See Spread Notes)..
Deck Used:  Tarot of Fire 

Spread Notes

The Covering: Where the questioner is at this moment in time.
 The important events, issues, attitudes or influences around the question or current situation.

LWB Notes

2 of Cups
Venus in Cancer,
This is about being receptive to the love offered, being happy.
 A relationship is forth coming . There is an exchange of emotions. 

Spread Notes

The Crossing: What crosses one, for good or for bad. Current obstacles, problems, conflicts and opposition that the questioner must deal with, but also what can be helpful or constructive.

LWB Notes
2 of Wands
Mars in Aries..
There is an energy that brings a sense of Impending war.
It is important that at this time you master the situation (you give it a damn good go, anyway)

Spread Notes

The Crown: The questioner's hopes or fears, and their mental and emotional state regarding the query. Also seen by some as the best that can be achieved or attained from current circumstances.

LWB Notes

7 Of Wands
 Mars in Leo,  This  takes courage and a daring attitude, bringing an impact to your path at this time. It mauy be important to take risks, with no compromises...

Spread Notes

The Root: Past events or influences that have played an important part in bringing about the current situation, perhaps including those that brought one to the need for the question in the first place.

LWB Notes

6 of Pentacles
Moon in Taurus, Inner Success comes from external forces that manifest desires..
This brings Transformation.. It is important to Meditate so you can be Open To Success ....

Spread Notes

The Past: Events or influences from the more recent past that have influenced the present but are now passing away.

LWB Notes

Ten of Cups
Mars in Pisces, satisfaction comes from a sense of Fulfillment .  Radiating a wealth of love from within brings everything in its rightful place, everything seems to be in harmonious order..  Feeling like a Rich River of Love , flows around you and within you..

Spread Notes

The Future: Future events and fresh influences about to come into play that will operate in the near future.

LWB Notes

Ten of Swords
Sun and Moon in Gemini.. There seems to be a fear of insanity..
A fear of losing control... A fear of destruction in all that you are with an energy of accumulated anger.. The Negative thinking within may bring destruction of self on many levels ...  It is of value to recognize, understand and then vanquish the fear, the negative thoughts...perceptions that hold no value ...

Spread Notes

The Questioner: The questioner's attitude and how they relate to the current situation.

LWB Notes

Knight of Pentacles
Airy Aspect of Earth
Mastery of Structure, brings with him design and Architecture of your journey, wealth, health, security. Material and physical.  He is unshakeable in his actions. he is prudent and in mediation and physical activity he uses great energy to deal with the material world.

Spread Notes

The House: How other people around the questioner affect and view matters in hand.

LWB Notes

Ace of Pentacles
This card arrives to speak of Inner and outer richness that brings great success. AN unification of the Body and Soul combines both the Material and Spiritual aspects, heaven and Earth, a sense of wholeness .. in that All that is needed is already at hand.

Spread Notes 
 The Inside: The questioner's hopes, fears and expectations with regard to the question or the current situation.

LWB Notes

4 of Pentacles
Sun in Capricorn.
This card arrives to ask you to manifest with integrity, good character with security and strength so we know that everything is in place as it should be.  This card tells us a person we can depend on is available to us as they are unshakeably true to their personal principles. They conduct themselves with integrity.

Spread Notes

The Outcome: The eventual outcome of events shown by the other cards.

LWB Notes

2 of Pentacles
Jupiter in Capricorn
We notice at this time we are going through   perpetual changes we must trust the transformation ... 
Summary:  This is overall Summary Re this reading and extra Information Received .....

 There are a lot of  pentacles in this reading so  feel like the reading is very health orientated and material aspects of journey . A needing to look at self security , Even looking at work aspects ....  how one feels about security at this time   ' and Twos were very prominent in this reading  speaking of Balance , decisions, choices, duality, polarity, yin yang ... .. 


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