Repeated Cards with Tarot

What Happens When You get Repeated Cards with Tarot ?  

You find yourself  doing daily readings, or shuffling your decks but yet the same card keeps coming out, whether it falls, out, jumps out or you pull it out, the Universe definitely has a message for you...

If it keeps coming out it may mean something deeper than just what you first thought, it means you haven't really got the bigger picture yet, you have not got the message clearly, you are missing something vital to your journey which is why it keeps repeating....

When this happens, take your journal, tarot diary or a piece a paper, phone or device and take a moment to look at the card deeper, maybe you need research all possible meanings, what do others say about that card?  What is in the image of the card? Maybe it is symbolic in the way it appears?  Maybe it is related to the colours, the items or the people in the card?
There is a deeper message that needs to be revealed and acknowledged before  the card seems to disappear from your reading ....

Let's take a deeper look at The Magician..
There are multi layers to this card... Now it totally depends on which deck you are using with the imagery ....

Native American Tarot ... 
1 Hosteen Coyote  (The Magician ) 

Let's look at the general meanings of this card to start with ...
Strong-willed, Looking beyond the Illusion, Manifest reality, Authoritative person, 
Overcoming obstacles. A sense of self-actualization, Direction, Skill, Organization of thought, Wisdom, Invocation, Magic.... Using All of his tools to achieve results desired.    
A Conman, untrustworthy Soul, sleight of hand, deceit ... Illusionist ... 

Now let's look at the image itself ..
Hosteen Coyote - maybe we have to do more research in regards to Hosteen Coyote, maybe his Teachings are important?  
He holds in one hand a pipe - what does it mean?  
The Fire in the other- what does Fire Mean?  
we see on the ground The Shield with The Sun on it, maybe they are important at this time? 
A vessel( a jug ) a Flower... 
In the grass on the other side is it a staff with Feathers stuck in the ground, a Skull of some sort... 
In the Background two mountains are seen, the snow  (things frozen, with obstacles created) 
The Crescent Moon in the Night sky ... 
Colours that seem important - The yellow of the Sun, The Blue of the Shield, the pink of the mountains, the white of the snow .
The Grey shadow around the Moon Crescent... 
The Orange of the Moon ... 

So overall we look at the image and see, maybe we have not found our inner peace (pipe ) could also talk about our sacredness that lies within .... 
Fire- maybe we have not burnt away, the debris that holds us stuck. 
The Sun- maybe we have not what brings us warmth in this journey... 
With the snow, maybe we are feeling frozen, cold within ? 
With the Pink of the Mountain, maybe we have not opened our hearts to higher possibilities? 
He Seems to be walking forward as he looks to the right?  
Are you not walking forward?  

Can you see the card has multi layers we had at first not thought of ?  
Once we look deeper  we may find the answers we seek, they are not on the surface but lie underneath the initial image of what we first see...  

Are You ready now to begin to look deeper at that card you find seems to be stalking you?  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


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