9th April, 2019... Serafina Modern Tarot

Today's Reading I used Serafina Modern Tarot ... 

To ask a question about X and I .... as again  he has reconnected .... 
What is our Relationship at this time?  

Start at the Top  - 8 of Wands - tells us it is always a swift movement  .. Things always happen quickly within us .... on many levels  
To the Left- 5 of Swords - tells us it is a win win situation in his mind ....   
to the Right -6 of Wands - It is Triumphant success even after a battle ..... after strife .....  
The Bottom card The Devil  reflects it being a relationship that is sexual  but can also relate to it being chained to the past .. it is a relationship that continues to chain us together  no matter what ... 
It is like Out paths will continue to cross, even if not in this life time  ... 

The Next two Cards--- The King of Cups speaks of a romance,  a mature guy who is caring, kind and supportive .... He may disconnect a little from his feelings at times .... 
The Nine of Cups reminds us that things are happening behind the scenes, even if we don't always see what is going on .... Things will happen when they are meant to, it is about no expectations at this time .. surrender and let things just happen in this circumstance .. other factors are being taken into consideration ..... 

Overall  I find this interesting because this is exactly what keeps going on ... I let it go for awhile  and de-stress from the whole situation ... let things go and relax and move ahead and continue living .... and yet he finds his way back into my life .......  and I surrender to it and let things flow as they do ....we move a step ahead and life gets busy for both of us ..... and we continue living ......... 

These cards are great  .... for allowing us to see what is going on with such clarity .....  no clutter ... simple clear messages ....  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


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