Templar Tarot

Image result for Templar Tarot deck
Templar Tarot Box ...

The Fool
New Beginnings,
The Magician
Looking beyond the Illusion 
High Priestess
Hidden Secrets Revealed 
The Empress
Motherhood, Nurturing,
 Bounty and Abundance 

Looking at the imagery of the deck, I was disappointed it had not a real connection to the Knights Templar, even though it had all the possibility of being weaved through Knights of the Templar History, I found the imagery more Angelic in its design ... The Artwork is lovely and yet even with some of the darker imagery I still find it works really well on an Angel Vibration ,

I find when I work with this deck in quiet reflection, meditation it is the Angels that speak not the Knights of the Templar.
The Back of The cards
One design ... 

The Imagery Though  is really quite in-vocative  I find it real hard when doing a large spread to see the numbers or the words written , they are what appears Self-embossed and the labeling is all over the place, some of the cards have numbers at the top while others at the bottom, inconsistency makes it difficult sometimes to see what the cards are ... It has taken me awhile to get use to the imagery ...
4 Of Wands
A Temporary Pause .
A Chance to Review ..
Two of Cups
Relationship beginning,
Give and Take, balance 

4 of Swords
Resting, taking time out,
reviewing Plans, ideas... 

10 Pentacles
Coming together,
Richness appearing on
Your Path ... 

Some of the Imagery is similar to Rider Waite Smith while others bring something different to the picture ....  You can see the Knight of Swords,  the Templar Cross on the Knight's Vest... armour .. there are small references to the Knights of the Templar in some cards ..That are obvious ... .
Page of Pentacles
Youthful energy that
thinks about health
and finances ... 
Knight of Swords
Young Man rushing
into Battle,
Has he made a plan,
Thought about a strategy?  

Queen of Cups
Nurturing, kind, artistic,

King of Wands
Mature Man, Entrepreneur ..
Passionate, motivated, creative
A lust for life ...
Driven to achieve results ..

Overall I love working with this deck but if you are expecting it to be filled with imagery from History, you may find yourself disappointed .... 

I find it works from an Angelic Viewpoint ....  as I find the imagery very Angelic ...  


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