March with my year ahead spread. Templar Tarot

9 Of Pentacles ..
This card speaks of  preparation, a sense of luxury within one's own life.
A sense of leisure, taking time out for a moment,  material, financial, secure gain .
A sense of one's health improving on some level through resting physically. 
This card reminds us this could be a month of physical enjoyment of comfort in regards to finances. It could speak of new purchases arriving with good administration of money.  Budget and banking resources show this could be a month of much needed relaxation. 

This card shows a woman Kneeling down outdoors,  with nine Pentacles in her hands  showing what she has achieved and now she is taking time out, resting.... as though she has worked hard and now taking the time she deserves to appreciate the moment....

Holistic Tarot 

Keywords:- Prosperity, Refinement, Independence
9- Change is coming for the better
Theme-Material well-being. The solitary enjoyment of the good things in life. Accomplished living alone. highly educated, intelligent, cultured, succeeded at utilizing those capabilities to secure their own material well-being. Refinement and enjoying easy comfort, doing so alone. Could indicate an inheritance on some level ... Wealth and comfort. A reminder of one's own potential to succeed through own merit.  Others could find this intimidating... 

There are so many resources available that share slightly different, alternative meanings.


My Thoughts and Opinions

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How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune