Santa Muerte Tarot- Spread: Ouija, The Oracle of the Dead...

I took this from the book and did a video for YouTube Channel  ....

With this Spread, divide  the deck into separate parts... Starting with the Major Arcana 
2) Cups
3) Pentacles
4) Swords
5) Wands

Take the Major Arcana and shuffle, then lay out Five Cards 
A) Beginning of Situation
What Do you wish to Clarify?
Blocked or Stagnant?

B) Present Situation
Development of Conditions
Observe the current movement.

C) Future
Conclusion, balance?

D) What's to our Advantage, strong points to use.
Active influence.

E) Our Disadvantage, weak points.
Be wary of, Remove ourselves from the obstacles, influences.

Now we take each suit beginning with The Cups .

F) Cups- Emotional Center

G) Pentacles- Material center

H) Swords- Mental Center, thoughts, intellect

I) Wands- Creative Center, Desires, sexuality...

Advice of the Dead- Card B....
Present Instance- How to act and project
Oneself towards a better future. 

written up in my Journal 

The Cards laid out in the Spread ...

A) Beginning of Situation
VI The Lovers ..
This could be about
choices needing
to be made re a relationship...
Maybe this is an unlocking
 of a new relationship 

C) Future- Conclusion
XVI The Tower
This could be about breaking
down the barriers
allowing a sense of a leap of faith.

B) Present Situation
XVIII The Moon
At the Moment it could be
about facing my fear,
The Unknown
Acknowledging the phase I am
in at this moment within
This cycle. 
D) What is to our Advantage?
XI Justice
This card can speak of our truth, the facts of
the situation. Looking at the consequences of
your actions taken ... Finding a sense
of Equilibrium, balance ... 
E) Our Disadvantage 
II The High Priestess
This could be about the  Past on some level
may be a Disadvantage in some situations..
Hidden Secrets  could be revealed.
My own abilities ...
F) Cups- Emotional center 
8 of Cups -
 The need to leave
some things behind..
There may be some sadness. 
G) Pentacles- Material Aspects 
5 of Pentacles -
Where are being lead physically?
What is causing an issue
in regards to material aspects? 

H) Swords Mental center
Thoughts, Intellect 

5 of Swords
Finding ourselves in a
A No-Win Situation ...
I) Wands- Creative Center
Desires, Sexuality.

Page of Wands
Motivation, desires, passions, creativity
could be intense  and very new and

Found this Spread very insightful.. I am sure there is more to the cards That were drawn and I will reflect and come back to them.
Take care and Blessed Be!


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

Photos of my Collection

May Study - Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle