The Starman Tarot- The Lightening Flash Spread ..

We look at The Starman Tarot ... by diving into The Lightening Flash Spread..
This spread is To Catalyze a Creative Product....

1) The Seed
The lightening catalyst the spark that ignites Sets Project in motion

2)The Vision 
The energetic principle that shed light on a new territory, a new possibility.

3)The Expression 
The Life force that is lit and authentically declared

4) The Heart 
The strike of love that awakens the deep healing potential and connection

5)The Power
The Flashes of will power and motivation required to harness the resources needed to organize project.

6)The Passion
The Hidden depths of emotion, joy, and pain that are lit up and revealed

7)The Manifestation
The Unique essence, energy and from that heralds its birth into the world ..

Here I share quick thoughts about here card ... I will meditate and reflect further .... 

The Seed
9 of Swords
Surrender, release the worry,
ask for help and guidance
from others ...
The Vision 
2 of Swords
Finding peace, clarity
clear path ahead ...
The Expression 
Queen of Wands
Creative nurturing ...
Nurturing ideas and possibilities,
passion with project ...

The Heart 
Remembering not to be in excess
but in moderation .. Think
in balance is important
The Power 
7 of Pentacles
Bringing what is fertile into
the journey, the path,
The creative project ..
being aware of what you
bringing in at this time. 
The Passion 
Ace of Cups
Awakening to new beginnings
through love ...
Clarity of new possibilities
through your emotions

The Manifestation
10 of Pentacles
Riches into all areas
of your life ... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


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