June- Card of the Month

This months card of my Yearly Spread from the Templar Tarot ...
The Magician
The Magician 
Here we take a moment to look at what we are seeing
Truly seeing at this time.. 
When we look at a situation, an issue, something 
that is happening, what do we truly see? 
What are the facts, the truth?  
Do we see what lies beyond what we are being Shown? 

This card shows what appears to be someone with multiarms showing us different aspects , distracting us from what is truly happening, maybe we don't see what is happening behind the scenes? we may not see the people on the ground in different positions, the snake? What is happening behind The Magician .
The person in green sitting on the floor appears to have flaming red hair, has no hands  (I had never noticed that before) ....  This is going to take me some time to see what has never been seen before.. Looking beyond the first glance.. Someone with a book, what is being read, shown?  
The feathers on the ground....  speak of truth... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune