Primordial Tarot

 The imagery drew me to pre-order this Tarot deck, the raw, primal energy, the Shamanic, tribal type of imagery that promised to get deep within a reading.. 

The Deck arrived, I could not wait to do an unboxing, to start looking at the imagery.. After a couple of days I finally settled down to begin the exploration of this deck . 

The Imagery has done all and more in bringing a sense of  Spiritual passion to the forefront from within.  The Images share this art that shows people from before time.  A people that knew not today's modern world but one of the way of the Ancients.  The colours used show a vibrancy that comes from it's natural surroundings, When everything appeared as something New and wonderful to explore, to be approached with only a knowledge that comes from experience, it can not be obtained from books or the internet . 

This Deck is very different in it's approach to Tarot, it appears to follow it's own journey.  I found working with this Tarot deck does not come from a Traditional Tarot book but by exploring the imagery from a new perspective, from detaching from the physical world and allowing an understanding that can only come from within.. After looking at the Guidebook that came with the deck, from the creator ,Understanding the Suits and the what the names of each card were, looking at the keywords, the Divinatory meanings,   I shuffled and looked at the imagery, thought about what the image was sharing with me.  And was able to create a story from the cards ... 

Let me Share my initial thoughts about the Cards  as  I Begin with the Major Arcana. 

My Thoughts about each card, 

0 The Fool , we begin with an awakening, a nurturing of something new from within.. It brings a sense of excitement.. Coming out of nothing into something.. A sense of this new energy.. It was nothing but was something now into something new, brings a spark to the inner fires.. a Smile , a moment of laughter that seems indescribable ... 

1 The Magician- Here we see a Force, a Power that comes from transforming something that changes from The Physical to something Spiritual, Something Spiritual to Physical through pure will, determination, desires using skills and abilities.. The Tools that come from within self to produce what is of value to one's journey through manifestation. 

2. The Great Mother- The Power comes from within,  What was hidden could be revealed with knowledge, Ancient Knowledge. This Magick is a source that comes from study, not from books but by the practice given by The Ancient Gods, Goddesses and the Ancient Ones of the past ... Connecting to the Spiritual Realm. 

3. The Mother- Motherhood, fertility, creativity, Cycles, birth and some thoughts that come to mind when I look at this image, nurturing one's own fertility to create what is of importance to the journey at this time. An acknowledgment that things take time to nurture before giving birth to them, in having patience things will grow and develop, be brought into fruition. 

4. The Father- He speaks of being a protector, a provider, a leader to one's own people. To be in control of what will bring survival immediately through action.  To be a Father type figure he is practical, logical and able to think clearly. He seems focused on the future by being focused on the now, he does not worry re the past. 

5. The Shaman- He is Spiritual in all aspects of his life, he is a teacher, a mentor, he brings a sense of Spiritual protection to your journey as he moves through Rituals within ceremony. He connects to the Spiritual world to find the answers.  

6. Union- This is a partnership in a raw sense, one that is passionate and full of choices that need to be made. Looking at this card I see a partnership that seems intense, full of unconditional love, One that can not be broken by another unless you let it be that way.  It comes from the choices yet to be made. 

7. Chariot- This card speaks of progress made within one's own imagination, What is being invented at this moment to bring you forward on your path?  Maybe it feels your path is moving in the right direction, with focus after much thought, intelligence to create, to manifest with action. 

I will continue as I continue my study with this deck  .. I have studied all of the majors at this time, am not going to share everything here. Have started working on the Blue- Soul Suit ... which explores Spiritual journey, One of the Soul... Relationships ...

In understanding the numbers I discovered the titles for each numbered card 

and a few keywords.... 

1.Etchings of the Soul - New Spiritual journey, new beginnings 

2.Age of the Soul - Objectivity 

3.Mask of The Soul -Restore the balance, care for the relationship 

4. Bones of the Soul -Casting, Divination, seeking and finding 

5. Stone of the Soul -Truth, create a sacred space if need be. 

6. Rite of the Soul -honor self, honor the journey. 

7. Era of the Soul - Technology, looking to the future 

8. Spirit of the Soul - doubt, unsure, things may not appear to be working 

9. Birth of the Soul -Things may be difficult, hard but the rewards are a benefit to one's path 

10. Environment of the Soul - illumination, Understanding to one's path so far,  

11. Child of The Soul- Life Lessons 

12. Animal of The Soul -watching out, paying attention to danger 

13. Woman of The Soul- Choices in life 

14. Man of the Soul - Life Experiences  

This is as far as I got ... 25/09/2020 


Today I started to explore Jewels (Pentacles) 

Looking at The Yellow Suit of the Sun, explores material achievements. Physical, financial possibilities. 

Looking at The suit of Nature (Wands) 

The Green Suit of Nature explores Life Experiences, energy ...

Time to look at the Red Suit of Blood, this explores our experiences of Survival ... 

and put the cards together .....  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune