May Study - Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle

 For May  I want to study deeper with the "Uncover your Past Lives Oracle" 

by Mandy Peterson .. A round deck with so much going on with it .. I love it .

There is so much information that can be gleamed from each card  .. I want to explore it much further.. 

Here I will dive deeper into the cards I draw in a spread... 

Spread #1 Looking at the Month of May- energies I may be working with on some level ... 

Here I will explore each card ...  after sharing the video ... 

1) Swindler- Swindled , evaded capture, perpetrator, Exposed.

2) Leadership- Leader, Follower, Ruler, Boss

3) Sexual Assault-Victim, Witness, Perpetrator, Bystander 

4) Instruction- Teacher, Mentor, Academic, Master 

5) Revolution-Proletariat, Reign of Terror, Wealthy Elite, War or uprising 

Day 2  

Day 3 

Day 4 

Day 5 

Day 6 

Day 7 

I have  done this study for a week ...
As I have moved through these readings  especially with Today's reading  I have found myself a little out of sorts.. was a bit headachy afterwards ... After doing Transcendental Healing, Aiyah and an Universal healing session I am not so headachy but still feel as though something is happening within.. 
It feels as though energies are coming to the the surface and are being dealt with on a real personal level  .. May give a bit of a break for a few days just so I can let myself assimilate these energies .. May talk about  it a little more  at some stage  ... But find myself a little emotional  and tired even though I have had my  supplements and Double Shot (Nutrient Rescue ) SO may end up  having a few lazy days  ... This feels very much like when I did my training for Soul Energy Clearing or after Intuitive Angel Workshops,  after Psychic Development classes with Sue Nicholson ..where it takes a few days to settle down, assimilate within the shift in energies ..  A clearing away, a healing within self ..  
Take care  of self is so important when doing these sorts of readings, healings, courses, workshops, classes etc ... 
Love to you all  ... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune