Universal Celtic Tarot

 Today's reading for self  as I look at this deck .. This Deck the images are gorgeous ... LWB  shares a quick description of the deck but gives no meanings so the meanings come from own personal intuition, own understanding of Tarot .... 

Today: 19th May, 2021 

2 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords and II The High Priestess ..

My thoughts when looking at the cards ... 
2 of Pentacles-  three woman share their knowledge of Spinning.. 
Three Woman show Maiden, Mother and Crone aspects ... The Maiden sitting holding thread Infinite possibilities are shown though finding balance ... 
10 of Swords - endings are possible,,, we see a man tied to a stone a Raven sitting on his shoulder  surrounded by swords .. It feels like things are ending, things feel final in that moment  ..
II The High Priestess - a Woman on a cloak stand in front of a full Moon between two rock pillars ...3 Cranes pink and grey  in front of the High Priestess ... Normally the Priestess speaks of Secrets that come from the Source.. Ancient knowledge gained  from study, learning ... Breaking through the  illusion  by seeking the truth ...

Quick Summary of this reading ... 

As I looked at these cards  my thoughts included Things spinning out of control in some way , things feel chaotic, there is no order to what is gong on .. but soon things may appear to be final, to end, ready for new opportunity ..  knowledge from the past experiences gained... it feels as a new cycle of knowledge at this time brought into the open., into the future ...  

From LWB- 

The Wisdom of women in the ritual of spinning. It is the thread of life and infinity. 

Cu Chulainn tied himself to a rock in order to fight to the bitter end. The Goddess Morrigan in the form of a Raven alights on his shoulder, It is her revenge. 

With the Moon rising behind her, the High Priestess wears a blue cloak over her white robe with runes written across it and a Brigid's cross  hanging around her neck. In front of her three are three different coloured cranes representing the three faces of the Goddess. ..

In light of The LWB writings .. Another layer of the cards include  through the past path life has been woven together , as you may feel you need to fight to the end with this battle at this time , acknowledge the stage you are at within self  as you reflect on the knowledge you have gained..   Finding a sense of sacredness within. 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


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