Card of the Month July 2021

 Raincoast Tarot 

Nine of Candles 

Perseverance, Don't give up.. 
This card can remind us of preparing for what we desire, our goals... At this time..
As we look ahead at what is possible we may find a sense of attainment, a sense of being close to what is going on and yet we feel  what starts to weigh us down.. I feel like I know what is happening and maybe yet can not stop what I feel energetically,  maybe this gives me the opportunity to look at what I need to release, to be prepared for what lies ahead... What support do I have?  

Samhain Oracle 
Seasons of the Witch Oracle Cards 
 Cards Include Coming of Winter, Reflection, Black Cat and Nature Spirits .
See Video for more thoughts ...  

Coming of Winter -Reflection and Rest
Reflection-Truth and Fear
Black Cat- Independence, survival, Grace
Nature Spirits-Sacred, Playfulness... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

Understanding the messages within A few of the Cards

Echoes of One - Sacred Geometry Oracle

Why Do Readers Read Cards Differently?

Mists of Avalon Oracle Tarot Entry