I wanted to revisit this Tarot deck. I have had it for awhile but really not worked with the Angels and Archangels in this deck So I wanted to begin by getting to know each of them slowly .. Taking my time to explore each card ..
Separating the deck into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana into their suits I began by looking at the Six Archangels with Gold Typing for the Archangels ... These cards are not in any particular order but resonate for the creator with those energies .
Then Day Two I pulled out the cards 0 The Fool to 7 The Chariot .... and looked at the Angels of these cards and how they connect to the tarot Meanings ... the way I can use these cards directly with knowing the Tarot keywords or by looking at the Archangels and Angels and looking at the keywords and using what stands out in that moment ... Doing a spread and seeing how the cards merge together in a reading ... Before I continued with Cards 8- The Strength to 14 Temperance and finally finishing the Major Arcana with Cards 15 The Devil to 21 The World ..being able to do a reading with the cards as I worked through them slowly .. See Videos Below ...
Now For reflection I want to look deeper at these cards before I continue with
the Minor Arcana
The Wands
So let's begin by choosing one card to start with...
The World
God The Source of Wisdom
Today I need to reflect on End of Cycles , ready to move on to new journeys..
To find wisdom within and to bring success in all ventures...
I Invoke Angel NITHHAIAH
The Generous God
This Angel brings Spiritual Wisdom and magic. Help one gain wisdom and discover hidden secrets...
I will praise thee, o Lord, with my whole heart. I will show forth all thy marvelous works.
This Angel also governs Occult Sciences.
Time: 8am - 8.20am - Soul Guardian
Dates: 13th April, 24th June, 4th September, 15 November, 26th January
Moral Guardians
Month:-18th-22nd July- Physical Guardian
There are some amazing books and websites which share a lot of great information regarding the 72 Angels .. This is one of my Favourites: UCM Center
What an amazing combination of cards the message about Wisdom, knowledge as I move onto new possibilities within my journey .. a sense of starting a new path of learning at this time ...
This will take some reflection overnight ...
Today's Message for Reflection
Angel Manakel - Knowledge of good and evil, Appeases the Divine Anger, cures epilepsy - God Nurturing and Maintaining Everything +
and then Lauiah King of Swords - could be about deep thinking, finding solutions to any issues at his time .. talks about victory and protection from lightening ...
to think about what causes a sense of Anger at this time and how I can overcome with success that feeling .... ohh It looks like I have to do some deep thinking myself ... to find a solution to this feeling that may come up for some reason today ...
These were a discussion with a friend about these cards for today ...
Wow This is awesome... I am having so much fun, being creative, discovering new decks online to share for fun, for learning and developing own intuition, ability to receive the guidance from Tarot and Oracle cards.. My Recommendation: Download The Orphalese Tarot and Oracle Software.... Choose one of the versions available... Comes with 2 Decks and 3 Spreads.... Version 10 ... (limited usage ) if you want to add more decks either register which is quite reasonable or go back to version 9.... Then you can continue .... Now comes the Fun Part.... Download over 100 Tarot/ Oracle/ Rune/I-Ching and other Fun Decks.... Then Look for Other Free Download decks that available online- decks you can study with and have fun learning.... (Add info to the details tab) Take The Decks You Own and scan and add them to the program ... Don't forget to add Author info to the details tab. Then Take each deck and add info to the pop-up notes.. info from...
The Way I Connect with the Cards, the messages as individuals for each person. Knowing that each person is so different from another... I understand that everyone is different, All Readers read differently. They may use tools or no tools . They may use Cards, Runes, I-Ching, Tea-leaves, palms and crystals.. You may even find a reader that connects with jewelry. There are so many ways a reader will read for a client. Even card readers read differently from each other, Some use Tarot, Oracle, or even Lenormand Cards, Others will use playing cards, they use specifically for Readings. You may find some readers read the cards to set meanings and others use them as Gateways to connect with their Spirit Guide to receive individual messages. There is no One Correct way. There are no blanket rules in regards to how a reader should read. You may find some readers connect to the Angels and Archangels before and during the reading. You may find Tarot and...
There are many ways to read this Spread.. Trust in how you choose to read it . This is one variation ... Let us begin by looking at the centre card 1) The Rider - News .. there is some news on it's way, what type of News, let's see what the other cards say, to modify the card related to the News ... We look to the Left and we see Letter - so we know the news may be written .. To the right A Woman - is the written news from a woman or to the woman? Above The Stars - maybe it is Spiritual News on some level ... Underneath - The Bear - Could be related to a Mother or are you the Mother... Is the news in regards to strength or protection on some level ? Now let's look at the four corners- The Scythe With the Rider and the Road So maybe it is important you let go of something so you can make a decision in regards to the news? You have Key Rider and Clover ... T he News may be th...
The Starman Tarot .. 3 of Wands, 4 of Wands, King of Swords (RX) Page of Wands, Ace of Swords, Two of Swords. My Thoughts:- A temporary Pause to look ahead, review and reflect. A Union, a marriage, Of two merging together. I feel there may be a delay or a block to being logical in this situation. Hesitation, observation made before action taken swiftly. Clarity given as the peace is restored..... 3 of Wands 4 of Wands King of Swords (RX) Prince of Wands Ace of Swords 2 of Swords .. There is so much I will add here when we begin to look at the cards as individuals. As we describe each card we can go much further with our insight... Take a moment to look at each card, thinking about the character and what they are doing . Eg. The 3 of Wands .. we see someone, their back is turned as though they are ready to walk away, even though they seem as though they ha...
1-Page of Swords 2-Fuve of Wands 3-Two of Wands (RX) 4-Queen of Swords (RX) 5) Six of Cups 6)Six of Wands 7) Three of Cups 8) Ten of Coins (RX) 9) page of Coins (RX) 10) Two of Swords 11) Nine of Coins 12) The Hermit 13) The Emperor 14) Strength 15)Five of Coins 16) Page of Wands 17) Eight of Coins 18) Ace of Wands 19) Knight of Wands 20) The Hanged Man Each Month during 2025 we will dive further into each card ..
1- FOREST: What am I trying to navigate? 2-TREES: What is distracting me? 3-DARKNESS: What prevents me from seeing my way out? 4-LANTERN: Where can I draw hope to find my way out? 5-GUIDE: What must I address before I can move ahead with my purpose? 6-TRAIL: Once I've done that, what's the most useful next step? 1- 10 of Pentacles 2- The Hanged Man 3- Knight of Wands 4-5 of Swords 5-The Lovers 6- Queen of Swords .. My Quick Thoughts I am trying to navigate my finances, tree of life so to speak with all the paths that may cross as I try to make my way forward ... A sense of wealth, abundance within my family, home and security in life ... I may be distracted with trying to see things from different perspectives instead of from understanding of the facts .. I may be prevented from seeing my way out because of the way I rush through things, my own passions, desires, maybe some one who is ...
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