Paranormal Investigations- part two

 Here I want to discuss some of the things you may see when you visit an abandoned building.. 

Some of the things you may see include things that belong to those who once lived there, Be respectful and  do not destroy or take things from the property.  If things are already in drawers and cupboards, on tables, look but do not remove .. There are times  with wanting to take photos you may shift or arrange things, you may even tidy them up to create a great photo opportunity... Do so with respect for the items themselves. 

Sometimes you may arrive at a property and find it is already been vandalized, things destroyed and broken, writing on the walls. You may find symbols on the walls also. To understand some of the symbols  I wanted to share with you some of the symbols that are created with intent .. 

Let me start with  the Pentagram - This is a Five Pointed Star  that begins with a connection with the Element. This can be about protection, invocations in a Ritual. This is  done with positivity  and love ... when used by a Wiccan, Witch  or by some selected Pagans. If a Pentagram is surrounded by a Circle it becomes a Pentacle and used in Circle casting or in jewelry. You will  also find Pentacles as One of the Suits in Tarot . This is a positive symbol in indicating things related to health, physical body or material aspects and finances included.  This may be called the Right Hand Path.  

Now depending on the Intent of the Creator The inverted, Pentagram can be used for Second Degree Initiation for a Wiccan  in some Covens or  it may be used for a Left Hand Path Practice ... There are many debates about what this may actually mean and it may mean something different for different people .  

Being a Satanist is not necessarily a negative path to take, it all depends on the intent of the person walking that path.  Traditionally a Satanist is not one who would do the graffiti on the wall etc , normally that could be people trying to do the Shock factor , to bring up Entities that are not positive in their actions.  A lot of Satanists are quite private people and follow this faith for their own journey. 

Other Symbols  you may find are The Numbers 666, again this would not normally be people who are Satanists but people trying to invoke those that have passed in a Demonic way.   They are vandals and have no respect for the places and for those who have passed. 

Other things that you may encounter in Abandoned buildings can include disembodied voices, bangs, doors shutting, scratching, things being thrown or you could actually see something and a whole lot more. There are several things you could do, run and fuel the energy of the Negative entity , you being afraid makes their energy stronger.. or you can choose to take a breath, breathe slowly and find yourself centered and as calm as possible. Listen quietly, stand still and make sure you have all of the equipment running you need to capture what you may see or hear.  Ask your questions clearly and calmly and allow yourself to give them time to answer. ..

Hope this gives you some ideas  about what you may encounter when exploring abandoned or haunted places.  Any questions please leave a comment down below and I will answer them when I can.  

Introduction Part One 


My Thoughts and Opinions

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