Shadows of Light Oracle Deck


This deck created by Haylee Clare .. is an incredible deck for shifting energies. 
Artwork inspired by Haylee's Environment as she lives in Bali.. as her interests in Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Taoism, natural medicine and more inspired her creation of Shadow of Light.. 

These cards ask that you dive deep into your own self.. to delve into the unconsciousness of what is happening for you..

I am looking forward to diving deep into these cards and being able to give a review in how these cards worked for me... 

The First card we are going to explore is 

But before we look at the book let us look at the imagery.. 
we see a woman with  two others ... she holds a sword with scales above their heads .. 
For me straight away I see a sense of different aspects being shown on some level, the truth is needed in this moment, while a need to find balance.. 
The Bare shoulders to me speak of showing what lies underneath the surface, showing a part of what is possible. 

She sees from all sides.
The same gold that adorns her throat 
weighs her judgement
And wraps her swords. 

It is as though she understands there are layers, 
different perspective to any given situation. She is open to all possibilities. 
This card reminds us to look at all options available to us before 
making that final decision. 


My first thoughts were what masks do I wear for different people to see me.. 
Who am I? How do people see me? 
AM I being authentic in all I do? 
Are there masks I need to remove? 
Are there times when wearing a mask may be of value? 
Do I need to wear a mask sometimes? 
These are some of the questions I need to reflect on at this time... 

The costume is for the stage.
I want to uncover the truth
Beneath the facade
So I can trust in you
To know me by heart. 

This card asks Who am I wearing the mask for? 
What parts of myself do I feel that I need to hide away? 
Am I censoring my emotions and beliefs ?  
Do I judge others ?
When masks are removed it is a gift given to others to see who I truly am in this moment. 


Here I feel  myself acknowledging how I feel.. being able to acknowledge what I truly feel from myself but also from others.. Being sensitive to what others say and do  and also being sensitive to my environment.. Being able to trust in how I feel and know I am able to process, work through how I feel in each moment... 
This may be time for me to understand on a deeper level what this may mean for me. 

Am I looking in 
Or am I looking away? 
Feeling all the waves 
Letting in and letting go. 

This card tells us there are times when our body  feels everything, whether it is pain or pleasure. Maybe we feel overwhelmed and try to withdraw from the chaos that is held within. When turning away from acknowledging the pain we may not feel the true joy that awaits us. Being able to recover from pain, to experience true happiness comes from being able to hold and integrate all we experience, 
without shutting down from each experience we are given. 
When we truly can experience each of these emotions we  no longer distort 
how we view the moment within.  

25 Boundaries 
Protection ../ 
Here we are asked to create boundaries... 
To make sure we are protected during this moment. 

37 NOW 
Seize the Moment ...
This is a reminder about being in the Now.. Taking a moment to  take action, to reach for your goals, 
 your desires, your possibilities... 

The Fall ...
'In the free fall
The earth slips away.
I know not what is to come . 
Grounded in faith
I hold the invisible hand. 

Are we grounded in this moment? Standing firm  in our lives. Trusting in choices made. 
Imagining the worse fear makes the ground shaky.  Looking at what can be controlled and what can not.. Focusing on positive possibilities. Trust in the process. allow yourself to surrender the grip of what is... 

The Compass.. 

My Spirit Knows
What is right.
When nobody is looking
I am watching. 

My First thoughts included an inner direction to one's journey..
 In understanding the compass that lies within..
Being authentic in one's action.. Being honest in all dealings with self and others. 
Having Integrity at all times.
Knowing nothing will dissuade self from the truth. 

The Fall & Surrender...

A need to be able to trust and accept what is... This allows one to move ahead with one's journey. 
A sense of accepting what can not be changed and trusting what is allows you to walk on own path... 

I Surrender 
All of disappointments 
To the waves of time, 
Open to receive the teachings 
From those that I wish to forget..  

Releasing what I feel I want it to be and accepting what is ..
Meeting life with open hands. 
This is another message of resistance.. of needing to let go of what I hold onto tightly... 
To be able to loosening the grip of what I desire and allow the flow of what could be, BE! 
Allow the teachings to carry me forward... 

The Wanderer 

My first thoughts include the ability to acknowledge I am a person who chooses to live life they way they want to, not how others expect them too .. 
There are moments when it feels as though  what I do seems to irritate others for no other reason that it is not what they would do..  
I choose to live my life with freedom to choose what I do with my days ... 
I have responsibilities  and know they must be completed but also having the freedom  to live my happy ... if possible ... 


He becomes the valley
The mountains weave themselves 
Into his hair.
The sweet waters power 
Through his ancient Soul. 

He knows there is nothing that he needs to hold onto for he carries the wisdom of knowing his true freedom. Never alone, the stars follow him wherever  he goes, guiding his path which stretches out in every direction. 

In peace he knows that everything is perfectly as it should be. He is completely free to be who ever he wants to be, to think whatever he wants to think and live however he wants to live life. 

You are the creator and that which is created. Both the being and that which you are becoming. You are the chooser, the act of choosing and that which is chosen. You are the guest of honor and the host of your own reality show. 

Everything that you want is yours. How do you want to experience this life? 

 The Storm 
For me this card speaks of the inner turmoil . the case of my turning of  stomach, the nerves .. a reaction to something that may feel out of my control... 
Maybe there is a feeling of the storm yet to happen .. maybe something that will feel as my world will be chaotic... 

The Waters rise
The sails bend 
With open eyes we witness
Waves forming towers
Stirring the deep. 

In the book it speaks of facing the waves, facing the chaos.. 
face the uncomfortable parts of what we experience. 
Having clarity, resilience and strength to be able to steer self through the turmoil,... What triggers these storms?  Acknowledge the things that feels darkest within. How do I react during these times?  

The Builder

Today we know it takes effort to build what is possible.. It takes effort  to build what is desired.  
When you want to achieve your goals it will take time and effort to make it happen, create smaller goals to achieve , one step at a time.. before reaching your larger goals.  


Build me a Temple
with your hands
And I will make this offering
In Your Name.

When you are called upon to contemplate  a great task it is
 your attitude which determines the ease of your efforts.
 Work becomes service when it is truly offered from the heart , 
it becomes purpose when we feel a deep sense of completeness in return.  
If you want to see your visions materialize you must be willing to do what is necessary to transform resistance without destroying yourself in the process. 
What are you bringing into this world?   


Now being responsible for one's own feelings.. 
Being in the Moment, acknowledging one's feelings.. 
 knowing there is responsibility in one's own action... 

The Wanderer, The Queen 

Here we find ourselves with the freedom to know our own Worth.. 
Understanding who we truly are gives us the freedom to be ourselves.  

Lift your head, 
Take your Throne
Understand worth is by birth. 

This is not about proving to others  who you are . 
She teaches you how to fill your own cup. 
Wealth is felt in the heart..
Recognize your blessings and rest in gratitude all that you have. 

Self Empowerment 

A sense of Taking care of one's own power.. Taking back what feels has been taken. 
Finding an inner peace.... 

I am borderless
Guided by the Sun
At home in the skies
Led by an instinctive knowing
Of my own freedom. 

I need great strength to lift myself from the earth. Once I rise, I am carried effortlessly by the momentum of the wind. 
I am unobstructed by the confines of my land below. Seeing my target, I know my power to get exactly what I want. 

Following the call of the open skies . I break away from the nest knowing that I have everything that I need within me. If I rest on the wings of others letting them determine my power I may never know my own brilliance. 

What you believe is impossible. The limitations that you think are holding you back are only there if you ad-hereto them. Taking a full ownership of your own beliefs, thoughts, and actions makes you the agent of your own reality. 

Trust in your power.

23 -LOVE  ,   3- CREATIVITY 
The Mandala,  The Alchemist ...

Relationships,  A sense of true love,  Loving others, loving self. 
Blending of  bringing things together ..

1- Resonance 
2- Guidance
3- Vulnerabilities
5- Feelings 

The Bridge
1-The Matter At Hand
2-Myself- Internal Influences
3-The Bridge- How to Integrate 
4-Other People- The External Influences 

Self-empowerment, The Fawn, Complexity, The Alchemist ...

Today we  look at being empowered on this path, exposing our vulnerabilities..  Communicating clearly as we blend things together to create something new..  
Finding the courage to honor self , being gentle with self, finding a sense of complexities within the journey as we get creative with these travels. 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune