Wheel of The Year Spread- card of the Month- May


Queen of Pentacles (RX) 
Nurturing health, finances...  

Chief of Pipes, Six of Shields, Two of Pipes
The Lovers The Weaver ..

A new enterprise is n offer but there are some things you must release, surrender too, as you make choices yet to be made ,,,  choices within a relationship as you weave things together,  moderation, not excessive in emotions... or actions ... 

Scared Path Cards
43 Give Away Ceremony - Release, let go, surrender to the moment.  
44 Sacred Space- Respect for self 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

Understanding the messages within A few of the Cards

Why Do Readers Read Cards Differently?

The Fool's Journey Through The Wands ....

Shadow aspect spread