Wheel of the Year Spread- card of the Month- October

7 of Swords (RX) 
feeling like something has been taken... a sense of being empowered. to take back what was .. is this perception or fact? 

UPDATE: 1st November, 2022
It feels as I look back on the last month that I am so much more in control, that things seem so much better than it was... Everything seems to finally feel as though it is falling into place within myself .. 
I am feeling empowered on my journey overall ... 

From Guidebook - 
I want what others have.... 
The guidebook speaks of deceit, that trust has been broken, reputation has been risked, a lie has been lived. That nothing is Sacred....  but now it is time to take back What is yours. having the courage to expose the dishonesty, deceit etc...  That truth is freedom.   


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune