
Showing posts from March, 2023

Why It may be, what appears Harsh when I do a Tarot Reading?

 I know during my Lives  when  I am doing FREE READINGS it can appear  I am Harsh... it may be because I have been through some challenges in my life.. I have made my fair share of mistakes in life .. I have done things that disempowered who I am on my journey and  working with  Tarot gave me the insight to make the changes I needed, even when at first it appeared  I did not hear what the cards were saying and repeated  old habits, repeated patterns and felt restricted because of the choices I made.  I  finally took responsibility for my own actions, and asked for help from  the right people who are qualified to assist me in healing and  looked at why I did  what I did and   why I chose to react the way I did in relationships ...  I realized  One very important thing  I did not love who I was .. I showed myself  that I could not love me I allowed  others  to disrespect me....

Exploring The Complete Arthurian Tarot

  Sunday 5th  March, 2023  The Complete Arthurian Tarot   The Hallow Quest  To Begin   " What is the most important factor in this Course for me?   Choosing three card s ...    Card 1-Grail Hermit- isolation, solitude, knowledge, wisdom, learning  Card 2 - Grail Hallow- New beginnings, emotions, love ... Card 3 - Spear Nine - Perseverance, keep going even when things seem tough.  Summary/ thoughts..... The importance of this course brings with it knowledge, wisdom education through new beginnings, compassion,  healing,  which comes from  the continuing of effort through difficult times.    Daily Companions Spread  1. Lesser Power card: What experience will I learn from today?  2. Court Card- Who will be my guide today?  3. Greater Power card- Who will be my teacher today?  ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________...

March 2023 Card of the Month Angel Tarot Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands  Determination, perseverance,  For me this month is  about  a need to keep going even when things may seem tough... to not give up even when things may  seem  hopeless... as though there is no  surviving , but things may not be as bad as I think as I push  ahead  to make things work... This  comes with my own willpower, determination, finding solutions to the challenges....  GUIDEBOOK   Keywords: - Determination, frustration, strength, rigidity.. Angel Message:- This Nine is the card of hard work and determination. You're in a strong position, but may be feeling the need to defend yourself, proving that you've every right to your status. It can also show tiredness and you may have battled to get where you are. However, try not to be inflexible in your thinking-holding on too tightly may leave you feeling frustrated and under-appreciated. Be proud of what you've achieved and look forward. Where do you want to ...