Why It may be, what appears Harsh when I do a Tarot Reading?

I know during my Lives when I am doing FREE READINGS it can appear I am Harsh... it may be because I have been through some challenges in my life.. I have made my fair share of mistakes in life .. I have done things that disempowered who I am on my journey and working with Tarot gave me the insight to make the changes I needed, even when at first it appeared I did not hear what the cards were saying and repeated old habits, repeated patterns and felt restricted because of the choices I made. I finally took responsibility for my own actions, and asked for help from the right people who are qualified to assist me in healing and looked at why I did what I did and why I chose to react the way I did in relationships ... I realized One very important thing I did not love who I was .. I showed myself that I could not love me ....so I allowed others to disrespect me....