March 2023 Card of the Month Angel Tarot Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands 
Determination, perseverance, 
For me this month is  about  a need to keep going even when things may seem tough... to not give up even when things may  seem  hopeless... as though there is no  surviving , but things may not be as bad as I think as I push  ahead  to make things work... This  comes with my own willpower, determination, finding solutions to the challenges.... 

Keywords:- Determination, frustration, strength, rigidity..

Angel Message:-
This Nine is the card of hard work and determination. You're in a strong position, but may be feeling the need to defend yourself, proving that you've every right to your status. It can also show tiredness and you may have battled to get where you are. However, try not to be inflexible in your thinking-holding on too tightly may leave you feeling frustrated and under-appreciated. Be proud of what you've achieved and look forward. Where do you want to go next?  

Page One Introduction plus January 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...

Photos of my Collection


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

May Study - Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle