Exploring The Complete Arthurian Tarot

 Sunday 5th  March, 2023 

The Complete Arthurian Tarot  

The Hallow Quest 

To Begin  

" What is the most important factor in this Course for me?  

Choosing three cards ...   

Card 1-Grail Hermit- isolation, solitude, knowledge, wisdom, learning 

Card 2 - Grail Hallow- New beginnings, emotions, love ...

Card 3 - Spear Nine - Perseverance, keep going even when things seem tough. 

Summary/ thoughts.....

The importance of this course brings with it knowledge, wisdom education through new beginnings, compassion,  healing,  which comes from  the continuing of effort through difficult times.   

Daily Companions Spread 

1. Lesser Power card: What experience will I learn from today? 

2. Court Card- Who will be my guide today? 

3. Greater Power card- Who will be my teacher today? 



Date: 5th March 2023

Spread: Tarot Companions

Experience:  Stone Hallow

Guide:  Sword Knight 

Teacher: VII Prydwen 


Today my experience brings a new beginning to wellbeing, wisdom, Spiritual treasures.  

My Guide  is one who is a champion, skilled and gives help when needed. 

While My Teacher today speaks of success, victories, moving ahead with confidence, achieving what I need to with determination.  

This makes sense  when I look at the deck  I am studying, diving into with this Quest, giving me the knowledge I need to  dive into this deck, giving me confident to use this deck in a deeper way   ...  Found this interesting to reflect on, meditate and contemplate what lies ahead with this journey... 

Hallowquest part Two  ....

Date: 6th March 2023

Spread: Tarot Companions

Experience:  Sword Three 

Guide:  Spear King 

Teacher:   I Merlin 


Experience of Sorrow, loss, separation, break-p, deep disappointment, bereavement, jealousy... 

Guide- Warm, friendly, committed, entrepreneurial, magnanimous, a promise fulfilled. 

Teacher-Creative impulse, imaginative insight, self-confidence, mastery, disciplined skill, initiative, perceptive, alignment to the magic of life patterns ... 

Today  I may have some heart break, challenges of the mind... I am guided by the need to look at the adventures as I look beyond the surface of what happens ...  I learn a lot that not everything I see is  what it is, but could be something more...  

Lesson 2: 
The Seeker in the Wasteland 

The Fool's Progress... 

The Seeker in the Centre 
To the left Spear Seven, Spear Two, Sword Two 
Stand up for beliefs, making choices, being at a crossroads...
To the Right- Spear Nine, VI The White Hart, Grail Seven 
Perserverance, making choices re relationships, knowing not all choices lead you to your goals.   Choose wisely re the connections re relationships, knowing I am a survivor.   

Continuing The Daily Companions Spread 

Monday 3rd April, 2023 
The Experience for Today - 
Spear Hallow , Understanding... a new beginning in passion, enthusiasm, energy...
Guide- Stone Maiden 
Discovery, learning  
Teacher- The Seeker 
Freedom, Discovery, Impulsive... 

LESSON 4  - The Flowering of Logres 

This is Card XXI  (21) The World 
Speaking of  Endings, achievements, new cycles, moving through from the old to the new.   

Mabon's Gate Spread 

Mabon's Gate Spread;
1-What would you like to achieve? 
2-What is blocking you from achieving this? 
3-How you unconsciously unblock this? 
4-What you've already achieved? 
5-What helped you achieve this? 
6-How you have helped yourself? 
7-The Way your idea is received by others? 
8-Who will benefit from your idea? 
9-How  you can re-evaluate your idea? 
10- The next step
11-The key that will unlock the door leading to achievement.

1- XV The Green Knight 
2- Spear Six
3-Sword King
4-Spear Ten 
5-Spear Five
6-Stone Eight 
7-Stone King
8- Sword Ten 
9-Grail Two 
10-XVIII The Moon 
11- VII Prydwen + XVII The Star 

The Message .. 
Freedom from addictions, bad habits, repeated patterns, Breaking free from the past
The need to  succeed, to have victory.  
Through Analyzing, thinking about  solutions to this issue. 
Releasing old burdens
Helped by dealing with any inner conflicts   
Helped others  through  finishing one task at a time, having a sense of closure from the past.  
Received by others as offering new opportunities to their journey. 
This benefits those  who are ready to make things final, hoping for new thoughts, ideas, plans. 
I re-evaluate this idea by looking at the connections, making sure it is a give and take balance in my life.  
The next step is to  look at what I am afraid of,  to move through each stage of the cycle , acknowledge my emotional state of each phase.   
Knowing the key to unlock the door leading to achievement is through my own Spiritual journey..

There is more through YOUTUBE Videos ... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune