Card 2 - Grail Hallow- New beginnings, emotions, love ...
Card 3 - Spear Nine - Perseverance, keep going even when things seem tough.
Summary/ thoughts.....
The importance of this course brings with it knowledge, wisdom education through new beginnings, compassion, healing, which comes from the continuing of effort through difficult times.
Daily Companions Spread
1. Lesser Power card: What experience will I learn from today?
2. Court Card- Who will be my guide today?
3. Greater Power card- Who will be my teacher today?
Today my experience brings a new beginning to wellbeing, wisdom, Spiritual treasures.
My Guide is one who is a champion, skilled and gives help when needed.
While My Teacher today speaks of success, victories, moving ahead with confidence, achieving what I need to with determination.
This makes sense when I look at the deck I am studying, diving into with this Quest, giving me the knowledge I need to dive into this deck, giving me confident to use this deck in a deeper way ... Found this interesting to reflect on, meditate and contemplate what lies ahead with this journey...
Hallowquest part Two ....
Date: 6th March 2023
Spread: Tarot Companions
Experience: Sword Three
Guide: Spear King
Teacher: I Merlin
Experience of Sorrow, loss, separation, break-p, deep disappointment, bereavement, jealousy...
Guide- Warm, friendly, committed, entrepreneurial, magnanimous, a promise fulfilled.
Teacher-Creative impulse, imaginative insight, self-confidence, mastery, disciplined skill, initiative, perceptive, alignment to the magic of life patterns ...
Today I may have some heart break, challenges of the mind... I am guided by the need to look at the adventures as I look beyond the surface of what happens ... I learn a lot that not everything I see is what it is, but could be something more...
Lesson 2:
The Seeker in the Wasteland
The Fool's Progress...
The Seeker in the Centre
To the left Spear Seven, Spear Two, Sword Two
Stand up for beliefs, making choices, being at a crossroads...
To the Right- Spear Nine, VI The White Hart, Grail Seven
Perserverance, making choices re relationships, knowing not all choices lead you to your goals. Choose wisely re the connections re relationships, knowing I am a survivor.
Continuing The Daily Companions Spread
Monday 3rd April, 2023
The Experience for Today -
Spear Hallow , Understanding... a new beginning in passion, enthusiasm, energy...
Guide- Stone Maiden
Discovery, learning
Teacher- The Seeker
Freedom, Discovery, Impulsive...
LESSON 4 - The Flowering of Logres
This is Card XXI (21) The World
Speaking of Endings, achievements, new cycles, moving through from the old to the new.
Mabon's Gate Spread
Mabon's Gate Spread;
1-What would you like to achieve?
2-What is blocking you from achieving this?
3-How you unconsciously unblock this?
4-What you've already achieved?
5-What helped you achieve this?
6-How you have helped yourself?
7-The Way your idea is received by others?
8-Who will benefit from your idea?
9-How you can re-evaluate your idea?
10- The next step
11-The key that will unlock the door leading to achievement.
1- XV The Green Knight
2- Spear Six
3-Sword King
4-Spear Ten
5-Spear Five
6-Stone Eight
7-Stone King
8- Sword Ten
9-Grail Two
10-XVIII The Moon
11- VII Prydwen + XVII The Star
The Message ..
Freedom from addictions, bad habits, repeated patterns, Breaking free from the past
The need to succeed, to have victory.
Through Analyzing, thinking about solutions to this issue.
Releasing old burdens
Helped by dealing with any inner conflicts
Helped others through finishing one task at a time, having a sense of closure from the past.
Received by others as offering new opportunities to their journey.
This benefits those who are ready to make things final, hoping for new thoughts, ideas, plans.
I re-evaluate this idea by looking at the connections, making sure it is a give and take balance in my life.
The next step is to look at what I am afraid of, to move through each stage of the cycle , acknowledge my emotional state of each phase.
Knowing the key to unlock the door leading to achievement is through my own Spiritual journey...
Wow This is awesome... I am having so much fun, being creative, discovering new decks online to share for fun, for learning and developing own intuition, ability to receive the guidance from Tarot and Oracle cards.. My Recommendation: Download The Orphalese Tarot and Oracle Software.... Choose one of the versions available... Comes with 2 Decks and 3 Spreads.... Version 10 ... (limited usage ) if you want to add more decks either register which is quite reasonable or go back to version 9.... Then you can continue .... Now comes the Fun Part.... Download over 100 Tarot/ Oracle/ Rune/I-Ching and other Fun Decks.... Then Look for Other Free Download decks that available online- decks you can study with and have fun learning.... (Add info to the details tab) Take The Decks You Own and scan and add them to the program ... Don't forget to add Author info to the details tab. Then Take each deck and add info to the pop-up notes.. info from...
The Way I Connect with the Cards, the messages as individuals for each person. Knowing that each person is so different from another... I understand that everyone is different, All Readers read differently. They may use tools or no tools . They may use Cards, Runes, I-Ching, Tea-leaves, palms and crystals.. You may even find a reader that connects with jewelry. There are so many ways a reader will read for a client. Even card readers read differently from each other, Some use Tarot, Oracle, or even Lenormand Cards, Others will use playing cards, they use specifically for Readings. You may find some readers read the cards to set meanings and others use them as Gateways to connect with their Spirit Guide to receive individual messages. There is no One Correct way. There are no blanket rules in regards to how a reader should read. You may find some readers connect to the Angels and Archangels before and during the reading. You may find Tarot and...
There are many ways to read this Spread.. Trust in how you choose to read it . This is one variation ... Let us begin by looking at the centre card 1) The Rider - News .. there is some news on it's way, what type of News, let's see what the other cards say, to modify the card related to the News ... We look to the Left and we see Letter - so we know the news may be written .. To the right A Woman - is the written news from a woman or to the woman? Above The Stars - maybe it is Spiritual News on some level ... Underneath - The Bear - Could be related to a Mother or are you the Mother... Is the news in regards to strength or protection on some level ? Now let's look at the four corners- The Scythe With the Rider and the Road So maybe it is important you let go of something so you can make a decision in regards to the news? You have Key Rider and Clover ... T he News may be th...
Fortune 1- Chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs. Synonyms: chance, accident, coincidence, serendipity, twist of fate, destiny, fortuity, providence, freak, hazard.... For me when we speak of fortune Teller, this is someone who speaks of someone's wealth, prosperity in all aspects of life, this is someone who uses Cards or some other divination tool to speak of sone's fate, destiny in regard to someone's fortune. What hazards lie ahead, what is of chance in one's life, the accidents, the coincidences of one's path. The serendipity and freaky things that have happened, is happening or could happen on one's journey. Yes, it can speak of money and riches, abundance and bounty when someone has fortune in their life, good luck can also be emotional richness, Spiritual richness, intellectual richness and even the troubles, the bad luck, the things that do not seem to go the right way, it comes in many ways to our lives. Fortune Tellers is n...
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