Why It may be, what appears Harsh when I do a Tarot Reading?

 I know during my Lives  when  I am doing FREE READINGS it can appear  I am Harsh... it may be because I have been through some challenges in my life.. I have made my fair share of mistakes in life .. I have done things that disempowered who I am on my journey and  working with  Tarot gave me the insight to make the changes I needed, even when at first it appeared  I did not hear what the cards were saying and repeated  old habits, repeated patterns and felt restricted because of the choices I made.  I  finally took responsibility for my own actions, and asked for help from  the right people who are qualified to assist me in healing and  looked at why I did  what I did and   why I chose to react the way I did in relationships ... 

I realized  One very important thing  I did not love who I was .. I showed myself  that I could not love me ....so I allowed  others  to disrespect me.  I allowed others  to be cruel but The one big thing  I reacted in a way that showed I had no love for myself.   Once  I could  begin the process of self-healing,  giving myself Self-Love and created boundaries in how I reacted , in who I let in to my life   Things began to change...  I did not do this alone. It came from support from others who were qualified to guide me through this process.   Not from a Tarot Reader  but from a Psychologist, Counselor, Psychotherapist and a Life Coach who encouraged me to Face my Shadow Self .. The things I denied about myself.   The things I would hide from those close to me. Once I was able to share those aspects of me the healing journey really began.  

I would love you all to be empowered on your journey, and I know it  takes time to want to make the changes  in your own life, it starts  with  one small step... How can I be empowered on this journey?   How can I move forward  on my journey with confidence, with inner strength? 

Tarot can be so much more  than  a future reading .. a reading about  our fortunes   but more insight, more in depth study of who  we are in this moment..  What was the past that brought us here?  What do  we need to deal with right now?  Why do we react  in this way?   Are you ready to get to the inner truth?  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune