Wheel of the Year Reading September 2023

 At the beginning of the year I did a Wheel of the Year Reading working with The Angel Tarot by Jayne Wallace.  

For September I drew The Wheel of Fortune - The Angel Of Destiny... 

For me This card speaks of Life's ups and downs, a sense of Do I believe in Destiny or Fate ... Do I surrender to my Fate or do I take action to create my Destiny.   
I believe there are times when  things  happen beyond our control but there are also times when we can make the changes we need by the decisions we make in the moment... 
This reminds me that life is fluid, things are always changing.   
In looking deeper into the Month ahead  I drew three more cards from the Angel Tarot 

Keywords include: Fate, luck, opportunity, changes, movement, winning, wealth, improvement.
Angel Message- Whatever issues have affected you, know that your situation is set to improve. 
Power Affirmation-I trust the universe to position me wherever I need to be. 

Eight of Wands, Knight of Pentacles and 6 of Pentacles .. 
The overall message for me was a reminder to stay calm within the chaos, stay grounded and create a harmonious environment for myself .. be aware of how much I give of myself during the month.

Angel of Stress from  Angel Reading Cards 
A reminder to take a breath in the moments of chaos.
 To know I am supported by the choices I make in each moment.  

Guidebook- The Stress of live no longer burdens you. Let go today. 
Affirmation- I no longer allow stress to control my life. 
I see stress as a journey that guides me to a higher understanding of myself.
I allow myself to take time out to sit and re-centre when I feel stress affecting me. 
I am now stress-free and at peace. 

Chakra Wisdom Tarot .. 
North- Mental (Mind) Seven of Swords- Strength 
East- Emotions Ten of Coins- The Tower
South - Physical - The Star- The Devil (RX) 
West- Spiritual Energy Two of Wands-Six of Wands 
Centre- Overall/ Self - Ten of Wands 

Mentally September is going to be about using mental strength to stand in own power, to take back what I feel may be taken from me during this time .. This could be a perspective thing...  so do need to be aware of my own perspectives in what was stolen mentally from me... 
Emotionally wealth in my journey ..by rebuilding my path.
 Things may appear wobbly, shaken up within my own  emotional wealth
Physically need to follow my own light need freedom, breaking free from old patterns,
bad habits to create my own guidance.. wish fulfilled ..
Spiritually To have success within my own Spiritual energy comes from the choices I have yet to make... 
And overall I feel I will push through the burdens, the things that weigh me down.. through commitment to self. 

Sacred Geometry Cards 
For the Visionary Path 
New beginnings
Healing waters
Infinite Wisdom 
Hexahedron-Cube (Stability) 

Overall   There will be moments of being able to begin something new, it will come from the inner healing, the wisdom gained and the ability to create some stability, some order and a sense of substance on my path..   A reminder to breathe, to give birth to the New. To connect to our Prana.   Allowing the Flow to cleanse away the debris that holds me back from moving ahead.   

This will be a month That will take a lot of reflection, contemplation as I walk slowly ahead.. even when things seem to move chaotically, swiftly it is a reminder to slow down.. to breathe ...  
I keep getting a reminder to slow down  ...  
I think there are many things that I find I do ...that seems I am busy  ...  
There is normal housework  in between making sure videos are posted, scheduled for daily publishing.  Social media  can take up some time..   updating my Blog  here  and my Ko-fi Blog  .. Across the board with X, Instagram and Facebook.    There are moments when I need to separate myself from doing anything and give myself permission to stop, slow down ... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune