Wheel of the Year Reading October 2023

 AT the beginning of the year I did a Wheel of the Year reading using The Angel tarot by Jayne Wallace..

Each month with the card of the month I have explored further in what this could mean for me... 

Sharing with you different ways  to dive deeper into a card of the month with a variety of Tarot and Oracle decks ... 

THIS MONTH  Strength 

In this deck this is Card XI (11)   

Angel of Courage .. exploring the courage needed to endure challenges in facing what needs to be done in this time.   

There are many layers to the cards so using a  More cards from the same deck ...  

We explored further ...  

The King of Cups + The Empress ..
Committing to giving birth to creating abundance ,... 
not being hesitant but diving straight into it... 

The Chariot, Knight of Swords and Three of Pentacles ..
Focus on the direction needed by making plans to avoid chaos, drama, using skills, abilities to expand further...  Getting support when needed. 

Angel Reading Cards 
by Debbie Malone ... 
Cards flew out , Choose 3 out of the six ...
Career Angel, Guardian Angel, Angel of Clairsentience...
My thoughts reflect on my business, trusting the guidance I receive, the way I am gently pushed in the right direction ... trust my knowing, intuition.  

Telluric Tarot ...
Aventurine & Buttercup 
XI Drive  (Page of Wands )  
This card  can speak of A passion, enthusiasm, a motivation, drive but yet experience yet to be had.  A listening to the messages that are felt within.  A  creative energy emerges to begin anew. 

Aventurine speaks of Fortune, By Chance.. 
 Aventurine can also speak of The Heart chakra, a sense of expansion and growth in many areas of life... 

Love is in the Earth  by Melody 
Astrological sign Aries.. 
Green - Heart Chakra, activate & clear. Protects the heart chakra. 
Balances energies, enhances creativity, amplifies leadership qualities. 
Aligns intellectual, emotional, physically and auric bodies. 
Rituals of the Medicine Wheel, Show Spirit Guides connection with the healing light. 
Vibrates to the number 3 ... interesting  the Empress is three... 

Buttercup meaning 
Joy, Friendship, growth, happiness, attraction, and good health .. 

Video will be added soon To be scheduled for 9:15am  Saturday 30th (NZ +GMT 12 / 13) 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune