Beginning the year with a personal Reading

Traditional Tarot
1st Month
January ...
January (01) + 2020 
January(01) + 2020 + 1st =6 

Looking at the Universal Energies of the  Year Ahead
To see my Thoughts Click Here 
the Energies combine to bring Universal Energies today....

Templar Tarot 
5  of Wands 
I used the Templar Tarot for my Year Ahead Spread ... 
To know more about my thoughts re this card click on the link above...

Today's Cards...
Epic Tarot 

Four card Spread
Looks at the issues / situation that are important at this time 
We begin with the centre of the spread and then we cross that card with #2 then #3 is to the left and #4 to the Right ..

1) Present Influence
Heart of the Matter 

2) Challenge/Obstacles
What Crosses the seeker

3) Past Influences

4) Probable Outcome -Forecast.

Card 1) 3 of Books 
This card looks at people resting under the shade... there seems to be a pause.. a moment of stillness.. Allowing one to review, reflect and recharge before moving ahead... Being protected by the Heat of the Sun I get a sense of being careful, being aware of environment .... Nurturing self, taking care of self the best you can possibly do at this time.  The Heart of the Matter - this is about me taking care of self in some way, in reflection, review and recharging self ...

Card 2) 4 of Books..
Here we see a young girl walking ahead,  .. Focused , head down she appears to be reading that book as she walks, she seems unaware of her environment ...She is solely focused on what seems important to her in that moment, nothing else seems to matter ... Challenges/Obstacles, could be the fact I am only focused on one area of my life , instead of being aware of other areas of my journey 

Card 3) Griffin of Spheres 
This is traditionally the Knight of Pentacles)  One who reminds us that sometimes slow and steady is the fastest route to achieve results. A youthful Character is one who is practical in his actions, he connects to the Earth, in being grounded in his approach to business situations, to money and in health.. It may be someone who is involved in Sport, loves to stay healthy during his journey... Often Secure, and confident in his daily life.... As the past this is one who influenced life, journey etc...

Card 4) Griffin of Chalice 
The Griffin of Chalice (Traditional Knight of Cups) speaks of  News arriving and in how we choose to accept it.. He is a youthful character, a bit of a dreamer, a Knight in shining armour, Someone who loves Romance, he is Romantic in Nature...  You may find him arty, dreamy and very relaxed.. not someone who is overly logic or practical but seems to go with the flow, takes life for what it is... Allows things to happen in Divine Timing, as it should, he does not seem to force the situation or the issue... As Probable Outcome/ The Forecast This card could speak about some News about to arrive on some level 

These are my thoughts as I reflect within my Journey .... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

WOTY Reading - January 2025

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