The Evolutionary Tarot

Looking at this deck I love the colours and the imagery overall, it looks like a great deck ..
There are some differences in the way it has been created. There are some name changes but also some of the  cards have been changed in the way they are numbered...
Benebell Wen  goes through the images and the way the Majors has been renumbered,  titled and the extra cards have been added .. To see more about Benebell's thoughts Click Here 

To check out The Evolutionary Tarot's Home Site Click Here 
Here you will find Card interpretations from the creator....  and other related info ...
Found the meanings to be very brief and not about the imagery itself but general meanings.

Overall the meanings are fairly traditionally with the added extra cards if you look the titles not the numbers of the cards .... You  will use this deck with ease ...

Look at the image and describe the character and look at the colours and anything else that seems to stand out in the image ...

5 The Chariot
The Chariot speaks of triumphs, success, victory
and it can speak of direction you are moving in, focused on ...
Are you the charioteer, ready to make your move..
I see the Yin- Yang symbol,  so it speaks of balance needed to make the journey...
The wings to me are a sense of seeing the truth of the situation ..
We have black and white  it reminds us there is no grey area as we move ahead in this situation.
Blue may speak of communication, self-expression ... thoughts, ideas, plans and perceptions ... 

The Hermit
can speak of meditation, solitude, reflection.. '
Learning through  knowledge gained in silent ..
What else does this card say to you?  

The Teacher
This card may speak of being a Teacher, maybe you are teaching others,
Mentoring,,, maybe you are ready to learn and a teacher shows us ..
Are  you ready to study and discover something new about self ..
maybe this is a reminder to discover more about who you are within...
What else can you see in this card?
See the faces in the clouds, it tells me someone is watching closely to what will happen.
You see the Fool in the background?
Maybe it speaks of needing to come forward to learn  something new..
being int he background maybe beneficial for you to understand what is happening?

I will slowly go through the cards 
But hopefully the links will help you begin this journey ...
Any questions we can work through this together .. 
The Fool 
Here we see a young person  look as though they are ready to step off a cliff
not really looking where they are going, a white dog appears to be jumping up,
trying to warn the person about what may happen if they
do not start watching where they are going.
here we see a dark starry night , they have very little with them, carrying a
stick with a handkerchief attached to the end, carrying the bare essentials.
We see mountains in the background...
The Handkerchief is red, he wear red, green, blue and what appears as brown .. he looks up instead
of looking straight ahead...


The Magician 
We see a young Man in what appears to be ceremonial attire.
A red cloak, white top, purple stripe and green belt.  arms outstretched
As Above so below ...
Infinite  symbol appears above his head ..
Tools on his table represent the elements, aspects of the journey.
(this is different- as he appears inside instead of outside)
How does that make you feel?
What does this card mean to you  when you see
the keywords- beyond the Illusion?
What does the Title Magician mean to you?
what images does it conjure up from within?

Here are the rest of the Majors- Do you want me to go through them individually?

The High Priestess 
Ancient Secrets...
Knowledge that was hidden
is now revealed.
The Crescent Moon
Speaks of  Moon Energy...
The Pillars can speak of Balance
The Parchment -Tora can speak of
a sacredness.
What else can you see in the image?
What colours seem important?  
The Empress 
Motherhood, Fertility
Beauty, abundance and bountiful
This may be a reminder to take care of self
instead of taking care of others.
Venus- The energy of Love  ..
What colours are important?
What does the Empress seem to be doing?
What can you see in the image?
Describe the image in your journal? 
The Emperor 
Here we see a Father like Figure
Who appears to rule, be a leader, a boss
a manager, a supervisor..
This card represents someone
who appears to be in control of their
own journey..
Remembering when someone
is a leader they may find themselves as
feeling lonely, as it can be lonely
being at the top..
what do you see in the card? 
The Healer 
Here for me this card represent
a need for healing within self.
Maybe you are feeling wounded, hurt.
This card reminds us to take care of self
on a deeper level.
Maybe you are the healer.. The one taking
care of others...
The Sun can remind us a new day arrives
bringing new opportunities.
Green- Healing on many levels.
What else lies in this image?  

The Hierophant 
Here is a card of Tradition
Beliefs, actions coming
from  a Traditional sense.
Spirituality, faith,
learning, mentoring, Study
This card can denote an educational
This card seems to interchange with
the card (The Teacher )
Maybe this is to denote a more
Religious or Spiritual education
Joker's Humor 
This is an extra card
but for me it reminds us
 to have some fun,
Not take life so seriously ...
This card could talk
about someone being a prankster,
someone who is always joking around,
never taking life seriously when they should.
it may speak about someone needing to mature, grow up
on some level. 
Traditionally this card can speak
of choices needed to be made within
a relationship, maybe between two people,
which path would you take with a relationship?
This card can speak of an intense relationship, 'one of 
passion, romance, balance...  revealing self to another..
What else does this card reveal about 
a situation in your life? 
Think about different areas of your journey? 

Traditional this card
is seen as Equilibrium
Finding balance through 'the truth
It can be seen as Justice, Legalities
legal issues, lawyers, judges etc ...
I also find this card comes up when
we must acknowledge our actions
have consequences.
There are times in life when we
must look at the truth, the facts of the situation
not what we perceive to be the truth 'but to dive deep
How does this card make you feel?  
Wheel of Time 
Normally known as Wheel of Fortune
But it is more than just luck, fortune is not just positive but also  about what we create in our own lives either way...
Time I love as a Title of this card .,.. because in life
Time does seem to rule our journey.
In what we do it seems the time is always present in some way or another.
This card speaks of Destiny or Fate...
Do we allow things to come to us or are there times we take action to manifest where we want to travel to?  This card can remind us to get off the round about, time to make a decision about the path we wish to travel...
This card can also speak of accepting life's ups and down and in how we choose to react will truly make a difference... Totally up to us as individuals
15 Temperance 
This card for me speaks of moderation,
Transformation comes from Not being in excess,
from being in moderation in all you do..
Connecting to both the water (emotions )
and earth (Physicality)
She appears to be from the Air  (Wings - Intellectual)
She pours Water onto the Lion (calming the fire from within)
and adds Fire to the Bird  - (Adding action to the thought..)
Green dress - healing is created through the formation of finding
yourself stepping through the realms of life.
What else can this card speak of to you? 

Hanged Man
Traditional this card can speak of Sacrifice... Being aware of what you are sacrificing of self
for Self and others on different levels ...
This card can also ask us to look at things from a Different Perspective, from a new angle, look at your options, from someone else's viewpoints.. What do you see when you turn upside down?
Foe me in cards this can also speak of hanging around.....reaching enlightenment, understanding from a new view.
Look at the colours and the things in the card, What story does the card speak of?

This card is Traditionally Card
#13 .... Transformations,
Changes.. The Ending arrives
When things finish it allows, gives
room to bringing a sense of renewal,
transformations, transmutations..
It can bring a sense of freedom to
surrender to what must change in order
to walk ahead with strength and
a sense of inner power.  Cutting away
what no longer serves us. Removing the
Traditions of what was and creating New
Traditions into our journey.
It may speak of a vulnerability as your past
is sat with in silence, in darkness , allowing
the sense of What was to be forefront in your
moment- working through this deeply 'through
Soul Essence 
This card is not Traditionally in A Tarot Deck, As an Extra card
This information comes from my own thoughts...
I look at this card and see a rainbow which gives a sense of hope, a connection to the Spirit Realm from within (Angelic connection)
The Light that radiates - Divine Awareness from a Higher Vibration
The light held in the palms of the two hands for me speaks of the essence of who we are as individuals is really held within us , in how we connect to our true selves, our Higher Self comes from within.
How do you feel when looking at this card 
Dark Angel 
Traditionally The Devil
Keywords- Addictions, Bad Habits,
Repeated Patterns,  Extreme Parties,
Extreme behavior...
I see this card on many levels,
it can speak about breaking away from addictions etc
Addictions can be anything that is done
in extreme that does not serve you well.
Breaking the chains from the past
This card can arrive in reading when
someone has been abused (but do take note
of the other cards in the spread before
speaking of this)
How does this card make you feel?
Sometimes this card can speak of
Sexual energy, a passion, so intense
one can loose themselves from who
they truly are...
The Moon 
Traditionally Card #18
This card can speak of Dreams,
Moon energy, facing your enemies,
What are you afraid of?
This card can ask us to acknowledge the
phase of the cycle you find yourself
in at this time.
Moods- tides ebbs and flows ...
Lunar energy - the Full Moon can speak
of a crazy time, lunatic ...
taming the wild energy from within ..
Paths that are lit ..
The pillars speak of balance, a gateway into
new journeys.
Moon Energy connects to The High Priestess ..
Psychic Energy, Clairvoyance etc..

For me it begins with a sense of  Openness,
Vulnerability, looking at the Bare essentials,
Letting the true self shine through the darkness.
A pouring out of the emotional issues being held onto.
Standing between two Worlds.
Could relate to the movement between the worlds
by working with your psychic abilities.
The Star can speak of hope in this time.
A moment of reality comes to the forefront .. 
The Tower
Knowing your world can be turned upside down..
Things can seem shaky and very wobbly
This card can be the card of doom and gloom as seen in the movies but for me this card can remind us to reach enlightenment we must first take a leap of faith.. In knowing the walls around you may be crumbling, things may be destroyed at this time,  it is possible to rebuild to your own design you desire.
Paradox ... 
Looking at this card I see a fight between
Your heart and your creativity .. a sense of needing
to heal and the wanting to move ahead with passion.
Trying to find balance as you embrace the light within the dark..
And the dark within the light...
I am yet to see the meaning from the Author's website .
The Sun 
This card speaks of Happiness..  Things
being exposed. a sense of vulnerability..
The Sun shining on the situation
The Bare essentials are revealed at this time.
IS there a block, a barrier to desires of happiness? 

acting with discernment
Awakening to one's own spirituality.
Blowing one's own trumpet
The Archangel Gabriel watching over you... 

Now we have Finished the Major Arcana 
let's begin the Minor Arcana with The Wands 

The World
Endings, saying farewell, Goodbye to the past. ready to begin again on
a new cycle, walking over the threshold.  Finishing exams,  moving into new areas of your path.  Moving house, jobs, careers, country etc ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune