Primordial Tarot Study Suit of Blood ..

 Suit of Blood 

Red is the complimentary color to green and symbolizes aggressiveness, instinct and action. The Suit of Blood explores our experiences of survival.  ( Relates to Swords) 

It appears as though there is a pointed crystal blade on the right hand corner of all cards. 

1- Etching of Blood 

A man looks to the left .. it appears he has a tattoo  of a horned creature .. I feel as though he speaks of new beginnings on his path as he looks ahead, he is thinking of what is possible, so he can survive on this journey.  

2- Age of Blood .

A  person looks ahead, a skull at the bottom ...

3- Mask of Blood 

A man  holds his horned mask in front of him away from his face.. he reveals who he is and how he chooses to face the world , without being hidden... 

4-Bones of Blood 

A  man holds a staff made of bone in an aggressive way, moving forward with determination... 

5- Stone of Blood 

A man  with a spear holds what appears as meat in front of him.. doing what he must to survive.

6- Rite of Blood 

Someone sits and eats the meat... he nourishes his soul to give him the energy he needs to achieve the results he desires ...

7- Era of Blood 

A man looks upwards as he holds a wooden staff .. I feel as though he looks at knowledge he has gained , giving him the ability to be propelled forward into the future ... 

8- Spirit of Blood 

A Man seems aggressive , yelling , it looks as though there is blood dripping ,a horned creature filled with spears stands close by behind him ... 

9- Birth of Blood 

A mother and her child shows the mental connection they share .. the baby seems calm and relaxed, comfortable in their mother's arms...

10- Environment of Blood 

someone laughs .. it appears as though meat is being roasted over fire ..  It feels as though there is a celebration...a sense of everything coming together on some way to provide nourishment to everyone./  

Child of Blood 

A young child in the left hand bottom corner  seems neutral in their experiences of survival, they have yet to learn what is important to survive on their journey ... 

Animal of Blood 

A bear stands on his hind legs in front of a man holding a spear .. he seems overpowering of the man,  he frightens the man with his aggressiveness.. the man as yet needs to make a choice in how he will react,,,,  Will he stand his ground or turn and run with fear... ?

Woman of Blood 

A woman faces to the right,  with what appears as a blood splattered dagger made of bone .. There is a gentle assertiveness as she understands the importance of what she did in that moment to achieve the results needed to survive. 

Man of Blood 

Here a man, with a sense of anger wears a hippo head as a head piece .. He is showing his anger as he moves ahead.. he is beyond mad and others may feel he is justified is his perspective while others may disagree as they hold different thoughts about this subject, topic etc... 

These are my first thoughts about each card, I want to come back to them as I look at them over the next couple of days before I do a reading with this Suit ....  

Starting this Study with the Major Arcana 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune