Continued Study of Primordial Tarot

 For These months ahead .. I want to dive deep into Primordial Tarot, I want a greater understanding of these cards ...  

I want to explore the Major Arcana again on a more personal level... 

Before exploring the Minor Arcana ..  this will be such a personal journey ... Through my Tarot Journal 2021 ... 

I will share the images of some cards and the readings I do for myself when possible .  

At this time  I look  at  0 The Fool ..  

I see a Man he appears to be laughing, eyes closed, close to crying with joy... With what appears an Egg on his head, cracked ..... so the words that come to mind is this ability to surrender to the moment, to allow things to just be.. There is this feeling of being free-spirited, with no attachments, a birth of something ... like a birth of a project, stepping onto a new path . There is this freedom while waiting for something to happen...  There is a rawness to his emotions as well ..

Next card 1 The Magician ..

Here shows someone with hands above their head, palms facing forward. A red Sun or is it a Red Moon? 

It feels as though there is a sense of energy being forced, being driven to manifest into reality by thoughts... it is as though by using the skills gained , the tools (not always physical tools) given anything is possible, even when it seems unseen ...

II The Great Mother 

Here I see this Woman in the forefront she is what appears as naked  but yet holds what appears as a cloak over her  she looks down- what does she appear to be looking at?  Behind her in the background we see a man, he seems far away as we see him between her legs... This card feels Universal to it, a feeling of the mysteries from the past, the secrets being held and not yet revealed...  There is this universal connection That seems beyond this realm... 

III Mother 

With this card  I see a Woman larger than life facing to the left naked , in front of her appears another pregnant , naked .. when I look closer I see they appear stone like ... There is this abundance , bounty, things coming into fruition feel about this imagery.. It feels as though anything is possible to give birth too, even through the most difficult, challenging times, when you allow yourself to be fully nurtured in that moment.  

IV Father 

A Man facing to the right (side profile)   a Bone staff (of some sort)  in the front of the card .. he speaks of being in charge, a ruler in charge , maybe he is a Chief .. he is expected to provide for his people .. This card to me speaks of a sense of loneliness as he looks out into the world .. he may be in charge , he may be the provider yet at times he may feel in lonely in having to make those decisions, even though he may not not actually be alone.. he may be surrounded by others as they look up to him... This card can speak of Fatherhood or a Father like figure that has come into your path a this time. 

V The Shaman

Here we see A Shaman, someone who speaks of one's own spiritual journey,  one whose path may come from a Traditional path, Ancestry connections that have brought forth faith and beliefs, teachings, learnings.. What is being learnt at this time? What is being taught?   This card can speak  of Tradition.. Tradition as it what we find comes from our parents, grandparents,   Someone who may be a major influence in our life ... a Spiritual leader in our journey.   

VI Union 

This shows a couple joined together by what appears as a bone necklace, looking to the left  it brings a sense of looking at how they got there and what may happen at this time.. This card to me speaks of a connection that is intense, passionate, a relationship that brings a sense of balance, harmony on many levels in the moment.. It does feel about being in the NOW ....  There are choices yet  to be made... 

This can be done with any deck  you have in your collection ...  I will slowly over time go through this deck to move through the imagery, to get further understanding of what the cards mean in a reading for me ..

Now after looking at the first 7 cards I take a moment  to draw three cards from those 7  .. 

Today's Message ... 

Overall Message 
For me this speaks of being in charge in one's own journey, but remember to nurture self  as you find a way to manifest what is of value to your path, looking beyond the illusion... 

VII The Chariot 

This card is vey different than the Marseille, The RWS or Thoth Tarot .. it shows some symbols being etched, carved into rock ,.. Is this an invention.. a progression of language being formed at that time ...  It is an idea being created so something can physically be brought into fruition...  This to me does speak of the need to progress forward with ideas, thoughts and plans .. a sense of contemplation being made before action can be taken.  The possibility of success can come from the progress made once plans are put on paper (so to speak) 

VIII Abundance .. 

We see a man looking to the right or is he more looking behind him, being aware of his environment? He holds what appears as a reptile type of creature ... This card speaks of prosperity, everything in it's place for survival...  The Man holding a knife facing up , even though he appears not to be looking at it as if knowing the tool will do its job when necessary, to manifest what is of importance right now.  

IX The Hermit 

We see a skull which is very large with many bones scattered around.. In the eye of the skull appears a man .. He is in isolation, as though in meditation, reflection, contemplation .. Finding the answers that lie within. It is as though he has gone to the bare necessities to find the answers..  

X Time

Here we see a man looking ahead, directly at you .. in front we see a Spiral  .. This card is a reminder of the time of life.. the way we look at cycles and how time affects us on many levels. It can speak of life's ups and downs. the way we react to a situation ... Are we at one with Fate or Destiny? Do we take what we want into our hands.. Are we ready to face what needs to be done?  

XI Creative Power 

Here we see a naked woman pregnant belly she leans against a rock a grassy hill . there appears to be in a cave of some sort .. This speaks of a nakedness a sense of bringing into fruition the power that lies within.   This power is gentle, this is not done with force but persuasion of energy that comes from within self. 

XII The Sacrifice..

Here we see a man at the bottom of the card , arms outstretched in surrender ..a large arrow pointing down at him  as though ready to pierce straight through him.  For me this card speaks of a need to look at what you are sacrificing of self? Is it worth it? Necessary? Does it hurt self or others? It is a compromise that appears Necessary or Unnecessary? Is this card asking us to looking at other alternative, other options,  maybe look at someone else's viewpoint.  The colour pink in this card jumped out as thought to say maybe this is about opening one's heart to the situation... 

XIII Death 

Here we have a Rhino, it's horn has pierced the man through and through , It races ahead. I relook at this card and maybe the Man has tried to jump out of the way as the rhino rushed at him, the man has taken hold of the horn  instead, holding on for dear life to preserve his life...  . Wondering if the need for death is imminent in this moment?  Symbolically I find this card offers a sense of  endings taking place, a need to change, transformation, an ability to understand the course of nature , the way nature affects our choices in life, on our path...  There does need to be a loss sometimes for the new to arrive... 

Wow has I go through these cards again on a deeper level  There is so much more to this deck... loving this exploration ... 

2ND April, 2021 

Today's Message - 

The Great Mother, Time , The Fool  
Quick thought..
A connection to the past asks we look at how we react to what is and what could be..
I get a feeling of something new being formed, coming onto a new path through a sense 
of being ready to explore with an open heart on some level.  Decisions yet to be made are influenced 
by what is hidden... I get a sense of needing to  surrender to the moment to get clarity to be able to take action in moving with new steps forward. 

XIV The Source ..
The Stones on the landscape ...  there appears to be one in the form of a woman ... the water running over the rocks , grass upon the rocks ...  To me this card speaks of our emotions going back to the source, the reason behind them ... reminding us to act in moderation  to create transformations to one's own journey.  

XV Demon 
A Man wears a mask to connect to the Spirit Realm... He wears a bone necklace crouched with a barren background ... dark sky.  This reminds us of removing the masks,  (symbolic to one's own addictions ) what one can hide behind to not acknowledge who one truly is.  I see this card symbolic of one who hides behind who they show to the world.. Their repeated patterns, habits that are kept hidden from others. Maybe they feel ashamed, or they understand this habit they have formed does not do them any real good... This cards asks us to remove the mask, show us who you truly are ..  

XVI The Standing Stone 
A landscape of Standing stones of different shapes, we see One that appears to be standing tall.. a Man stands on top,  acknowledging his success, his understanding of what can be with knowledge gained by experience. Barriers are broken.  There are no restrictions to what can be... There are always solutions to one's own troubles.  

XVII The Star ...
Here we see Hands holding what appears to be an egg or is it a stone broken and the birth of the Star as it shoots into the darkened Sky to provide light ...This shows dreams are possible .. Wishes bring a sense of hope to the journey.  It reminds us to find the inner light to radiate into the world .. To show who we are  through this light ... It can speak of the light showing us the way. Leading us out of the darkness. 

XVIII The Moon 
A Woman   with a crescent Moon  reminding us of our connection to the unknown.. Looking at the phases of a cycle we find ourselves now in  ... Looking at our emotions and how they are affected by the moon ... Looking at what is hidden- what do you see and what is it ?  This card can speak of the unknown being revealed ... a need to look forward with an inner power ...  

XIX The Sun 
We see a man looking to the left   with his back turned to us  he wears what appears as a large disk (The Sun) on his back over his cloak.   what appears, on his shoulder, is it in his hair or on his ear.. a bird shaped bone ...  This too me seemed of value as I typed this ..a sense of voice needed to explore one's path with happiness, joy and inner peace.. allowing the Sun to shine on one's path... bringing a sense of satisfaction on many levels.  

XX The Prey  
This title to me gives me the impression of a hunter (as we see in the right hand corner ) with a bone spear   he looks towards his prey the Stag .. speaking of power, stamina and endurance .. it is a waiting  game before he can  achieve his goal .. He has waited for a long time before he can acknowledge his achievements.. This is about his own character about who he is as a human being.  Being open to being honest, having integrity ... This reminds me of the connectedness to Nature, the respect given to be able to receive what is necessary.  Awakening to one's own Spirituality...  

XXI The World 
Here we see the Standing Stones , a Red Moon  or is it a Red Sun in the sky .. a man stands behind the stones between a doorway ready to walk through into the centre of what could be.  This card  to me reminds me of what we have achieved and that we are ready to start again  to find out what lies across the threshold .. We have travelled many paths, with many steps to get here .. we have kept going even though the most difficult times, we may have endured set backs, obstacles and even delays but yet here we find ourselves ready to start something new, we only have to step through the gateway, the door, push it open and step through...  

Finished Looking at the Major Arcana of The Primordial Tarot ... 

Did a six card reading (shown on Youtube) 

Column 1- The Fool with Union 
Column 2- Abundance with The Source
Column 3-The Star with The Chariot 

See Video for Details of Reading (My Thoughts ) 

Over view Readings with the Whole Suit 
 30th April, 2021

Suit of Souls 

Suit of Jewels 

Suit of Nature

Suit of Blood 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune