Numerology and Tarot Birthdate

 We begin this moment of reflection by looking at my Birthdate .. 

Deck Used; Waterfall Tarot by TarotOracle ...

 11th March, 1969 - 11/03/ 1969  

In tarot -  11th Justice  

3rd month March - The Empress 

1969 (the Year I was Born ) - The Chariot  

Overall -  The Empress ...  

Just thought of another aspect I could include if adding up the three cards -  Justice, The Empress and The Chariot   11, 03, 07 = 21 The World  ...  

The year was one of direction being forged as I  found balance that year..   consequences of actions taken  (not by me but by others close to me )  it was the year I was born, created ,  so I found over the years,  myself  being one of a mother hen.. wanting to nurture others on their journeys.  Sometimes over the years I have forgotten to take care of myself , so busy worrying about others.   I have achieved success over the years, moved through cycles - it was a big year for me 1969...  as I was adopted into a loving family and taken care of on many levels ... 

Last year 2021  

2021  the year of the Hierophant - was a year of learning .. I discovered alot about myself spiritually over the year..  It was a year of teaching others, mentoring .. guiding on some level for others to take control of their own life.  It was one of sharing knowledge related to Tarot .. 

When adding the date 11/03/2021 

It was for me Wheel of Fortune ..  10   which when broken down included the energies of The Magician and The Fool ...  This was a year of decisions.. to stop feeling stagnant, to see fortune change, shift on some levels..  there was a way to manifest my own reality, I saw what was beyond the illusion,  beyond what was at first seeing, to begin new journeys, new paths, new possibilities, to see the dangers of what could lie ahead. To have some fun and laughter ...  

 Adding up the cards -  Justice, The Empress and The Hierophant we have 19 The Sun  So we had a year  of things being exposed , being brought into the sunlight, a reminder that a new day will bring new possibilities. we get the chance to make the changes required , to have happiness in our own lives.    The Sun 19  can include the energies of the Magician, The Hermit , and The Wheel of Fortune . adding the sense of manifesting own reality, can be by needing to find moments of isolation to find clarity  to make clear choices to move ahead.. to find fortune in what is ... Bringing new beginnings to the journey .. 

Now that is looked at let us continue looking at 2022 

This is the year of The Lovers - Choices being made in regards to relationships.. it could be year of romance, it could be a choice between yes and No,  whether it allows one to be vulnerable, tempted by a choice wanting to be made and what should be made...  This could be challenging on some level within relationships.. 

11/03/2022 - 11 Justice ...  So this year from March could be a year of legalities, trying to find equilibrium, balance, looking at the consequences of my actions..  a year of truths coming to light ..  

Other influences during 2022 for me include The Magician and The High Priestess.. For me I could influenced by manifestation and creation ..  Trying to manifest  what I desire, create something new for myself on some level .. it could be about looking beyond the surface of what I am shown to see what secrets are revealed in the moment from the past .. it could be an interesting year of discovery for me .. 

Disclaimer:  This is what works for me .. your thoughts are your own ..  what works for one may not work for another in regards to overall meanings  of the cards, as we know they have multi layers depending on your school of thought ....  

Birthdate This post was created in 2019  in relation to my Birthdate 11/03/1969, included planetary associations ..

How I saw 2020  ...  

Tarot and Numerology Part one  How to .....  

Part two - Looking at today's influences  how to?  

I am sure there are other pages I created over the years ..  I could add to this section ...  for references ..  I will when I can add them ..  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

Photos of my Collection

May Study - Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle