
Showing posts from May, 2022

Wheel of The Year Spread- card of the Month June

  6 of Pentacles  Harmony within health, finances.. Unconditional  giving and receiving ... Book  I have more than enough, The custodian of abundance, directing the flow of resources to those in need.  The ability to support and deliver a worthwhile vision, philanthropy.  Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fortune Telling  The plans and hope you have for the future look good. An opportunity for promotion could present itself to your long-term financial gain.  The Dream Oracle  Material success is suggested six, teamwork or good leadership.  Extra Thoughts after reading Mindful Tarot ..  It feels as though we are measured by what we give others,. the more we give the richer we are.. The more successful  we are now through the generosity to others ..   We show our success by deciding who deserves our kindness, who deserves to receive what we want to give..   This males me  think our richness does not have to be mea...

Lists of Themes for decks

  Angel  Angel tarot by Travis McHenry with Ambika Wauters Angel Oracle  Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine with Angel Reading Cards by Debbie  Malone  Animal  Animal Wisdom  Tarot  Meraki Tarot  Tarot Familiar  New Zealand Tarot   with She Whispers the Truth Oracle  Teacher Creatures Oracle cards  Spirit Animal Oracle cards  Wairua Whakatinana Oracle cards  Culture Tarot and Oracle Decks  Chinese Tarot,   I Ching Cards, Chinese Oracle   Dark Goddess Tarot , Goddess Power Cards, Journey to the Goddess Realm Cards , Divine Feminine Oracle . Ultimate Divine Feminine and Masculine cards  Elemental Wisdom Tarot  Hoodoo Tarot  The Sibyls Oraculum  Card Deck.  Magical Nordic Tarot , Yggdrasil Cards , Rune Spiral Cards, Rune Oracle Cards Maori Deities Major  Maori Tattoo Tarot  Songs of my Heart Oracle , NZ Fairy Oracle , Maori Oracle  Motherpeace Taro...

The New Mythic Tarot

  Beginning to explore The New Mythic Tarot ..  0 The Fool   New beginnings , being cautious about what is happening..  Free Spirited Takes a risk...   Dionysos.  Eagle- the bird of Zeus, king of te Gods, who watches over the Fool as he prepares to plunge into the unknown.  The cave from which the Fool emerges is the past, the dark and undifferentiated mass from which the beginning of a true sense of individuality is about to take form.. The goat's horns on the Fool's brow suggest, like the animal skins he wears, that he is like a young animal, driven into life by instinct, not yet conscious or possessed of understanding.  1 The Magician  using one's skills and abilities to look beyond the illusion .  to see the sleight of hand .. being untrustworthy  Hermes The Cup represents the Cup of Fortune, particularly fortune in love, for Hermes is wise in the knowledge of the heart.  The Caduceus is Hermes' wand of magic, ent...

Mythic Oracle

  Spreads I looked at from the Guidebook ... The Relationship Spread .. . 1- Nature of Relationship Atlas,  Responsibility  2-Lessons to be learned  Eros- desire 3-Hidden aspect of self other person reflects  Rhea, Protection  4-How to bring harmony' Heracles Strength  5-What is contributed by this relationship?  Athena Wisdom  Archetype Spread 1-Current Archetype -Persus Courage 2-Personal Archetype Promethesus Sacrifice  3-Interactive Archetype Themis natural Order 4-Needed to bring balance Pan nature  5-Sacrifice- beliefs, fears, attitudes Artemis Purity  6- Transformed Archetype. Athena Wisdom  Cycle Spread 1- Current Cycle Orpheus Faith  2-Phase of Cycle  Hermes Messages 3- Heart's desire Helen of Troy Beauty  4-Lesson to be learned Perseus Courage  5-Freedom to be gained Themus Natural Order  6-New Beginning Prometheus  Sacrifice  Here are some cards I drew for myself .. I have not ...

Wheel of The Year Spread- card of the Month- May

  Queen of Pentacles (RX)  Nurturing health, finances...   Chief of Pipes, Six of Shields, Two of Pipes The Lovers The Weaver .. A new enterprise is n offer but there are some things you must release, surrender too, as you make choices yet to be made ,,,  choices within a relationship as you weave things together,  moderation, not excessive in emotions... or actions ...  Scared Path Cards 43 Give Away Ceremony - Release, let go, surrender to the moment.   44 Sacred Space- Respect for self 

Samhain 2022 Southern Hemisphere

  Coming of Winter Spread  A Spread for rest and reflection  1- What is my energy like right now?  24-Journey-Discover, lessons, purpose  2- What do I need to reflect on right now? 38 Third Harvest- Gathering, abundance, preparation 3- What is the lesson behind this situation 34- Rooted-Grounded, Connection 4- What is something I have overlooked? 7-Black Cat-Independence, survival, grace 5- How can I refresh my energy?  21- Haunted- Atonement, Compan y  6- How can I protect myself against future storms? 2- Altar-Devotion, worship, individuality. 7- How can I prepare myself for future growth ?  30-Pumpkin-Protection, fertility, prosperity