October 2020 Deck Study

 Decks I want to dive deep into during the month of October 2020 

The Hoodoo Tarot with The Sibyls Oraculum 

The Primordial Tarot with Shamanic Medicine Cards 

Santa Muerte Tarot with Santa Muerte Oracle 

Daily Readings -  

1st October- 2020 

What do I need to know about Today? 

1) The Great Mother
2) Age of Blood 
3) Rite of The Soul 

Using Wisdom in any disagreement to do things at their proper time!

Day Two 02/10/2020
1) 13 Mother of The Soul 
2) 14 Father of Blood 
3) 9  Birth of Blood 

Looking at the Difficult choices to be made by being aware of how you choose to react and by looking at the connection of the outcome you desire!

Day Three 03/10/2020

1) 6  Rite of Nature 
2) 8 Spirit of Jewel
3) Woman of Nature 

Today BE! 

Day Four 04/10/2020

1) XIV The Source 
2) 8  Spirit of Nature 
3) 3 Mask of Jewel 

Slowly Reconnecting within allows  All things to be meaningful !

Day Five 05/10/2020 

1) Mother 

2) Etching of The Soul 

3) Stone of Jewel 

Self- care is important when connecting to the Spirit World, 

making sure you are secure and safe in your practices. 

Day Six 06/10/2020

Right to Left 
1) 0 The Fool 
2) XVIII The Moon 
3)4 Bones of Jewels

Excitement created with a surprise as I express my soul from with, marking the occasion. 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

WOTY Reading - January 2025

Tarot of the Divine 12 month Spread

Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry