Primordial Tarot Study- Suit of Jewels


Suit of Jewels  .
Yellow is the colour of the Sun, symbolizing consciousness, understanding, energy and physical existence. The suit of Jewels explore our experiences of natural achievements and knowledge. 

Ace -Etching of Jewels 
I see a Woman  looking down  ...   Is she thinking about the new beginnings of  what is possible, thinking about the knowledge she has at this time ...  Knowing her potential .... 

2- Age of Jewels 
There is a mature person holding the hand of a child as they walk ahead .. The Older person holds a spear in the other hand...  in front there are what appears as rocks .. A crescent moon  This made me  think about a bite being taken out of an apple.  SO to me it feels as though this tells me we are trying to find our way through the path of our experiences  to discover the knowledge we need..  

3-Mask of Jewels
A Man holds slightly above his face so we can see who he is , a Mask....    Does the Mask represent the experiences or the knowledge that may stop us from moving ahead on some level.. once the mask is removed it enables us to truly see what our experiences have brought us ... 

4-Bones of Jewels 
Here we see Stone Figures , no faces are seen, it is as though the faces are hidden, unknown.   There is a bone necklace around one of the figures. Reminding us of the value of our experiences, the knowledge we have gained  has been valid to our achievements so far. 

5- Stone of Jewels 
A man sits cross-legged within  a Circle Rock.  Sheltered from the elements ... Our knowledge may shelter us from experiences we do not desire at this time .  Removing ourselves from outside influences 

6- Rites of Jewels 
A Woman stands in her nakedness ...Something surrounds her, protects her in some way, maybe it feels as though she is held captive , restrained by something ... but in essence is free to be.   This card shows a woman being prepared for a union, a marriage  with this headpeice and the tattoos..  So is she a possession for someone else for is she giving of herself freely ?  

7- Era of Jewels  ..
A Woman with Bone earrings ...  showing part of a skull  ...  This feels very much about Past knowledge  .... Looking at one's achievements of the past looking at the experiences of the past and how it affects you today... 

I have looked at the cards  and yet want to look deeper at this Suit .....  SO will come back to it  ....  
I have struggled a little with this suit...  so as I continue with this I went back and added to the first 7 cards with my own reflective thoughts.  Now Let's continue with Number 8 

8-Spirit of Jewels 
 A woman appears to be looking to he left  - is she thinking of the past ?  The Statue of a fuller figure form reminds me of a form of creation, a creator , creatrix . This speaks to me of creations of the past, the knowledge from the past creating into something new. From the experiences something new is created . 

9- Birth of Jewels 
An elderly Woman holds a large vessel close to her body .. Is there a reflection of what has been held within , what needs to be let go from the past to bring something new into fruition.   To bring into abundance using something that is helpful to the situation. The Vessel is useful in bringing the liquid to someone, someplace..  This symbolically represents a useful item .  Something that can bring plenty of liquid ... 

10- Environment of Jewels 
Here we have a woman naked in what appears to be running ahead - it appears she could be running through a field of flowers maybe...  She has the wind flowing through her hair. She is aware of her environment.. She notices her experiences in this moment , does it bring memories of the past experiences. Does it give her knowledge she already knew to the forefront. 

11- Child of Jewels 
 A Youth wearing an elaborate necklace and clothed with a garment , Red hair and looking to the past .
This speaks of something fresh, young and new but yet has a sense of boldness to the situation.  Something that may appear loud. 

12- Animal of Jewels
A Sparrow sits upon a child's head , This child faces to the right as the animal faces the left . The Bones hang from the child's hair (like a hair clip)  I get a sense of decisions yet to be made in directions with results desired, achievements yet to be made . experiences yet to be discovered.  

13- Woman of Jewels 
A Woman walks ahead , she is half covered below the breasts . tattooed , she wears a bone bracelet adorned with a skull , it seems elaborate in detail ..  She is nurturing and yet assertive as she moves ahead with determination. A sense of inner power ..

14 -Man of Jewels
A man facing to the left Elaborated Head gear   and a spear in hand , looks ready to battle. He has a wealth of experiences bringing with him much knowledge he is able to bring to what lies ahead.  His past gives him much value to all . He has a sense of authority within him. 

Suit of Blood (yet to be looked at) 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune