List of Posts related to Tarot - FAQ ....

These Posts Relate to Tarot 

If you are wanting to learn more about Tarot and how to work with Tarot .. These posts you may find helpful overall ....Also these posts may carry some of those burning questions you may have about tarot - FAQ.....

These posts are my thoughts and opinions....

How I Connect with the Cards ...

Why do Readers read cards Differently?

Which Deck? 

Do we need more than one deck? 

How You should feel after a Reading? 

Why I promote other Readers and Mentors?

Going from Freebies to Charging..

You Want to Start Learning Tarot?

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune..

Understanding the Messages within a few cards..

What is Tarot Not? 

Reading Tarot is No Joke..

Update Post in relation to Myths and Legends re Tarot
Some of my Personal thoughts and opinions

Is Tarot the Work of the Devil?    No , My thoughts and opinions about the Intent of the Reader ....

Why do You want to learn Tarot?   My thoughts and opinions in  why you may want to learn tarot...
Knowing you have so much to learn when you pick up that first set of Tarot.... .

Learning Tarot But Very Confused?  Thoughts and opinions that have helped me over time KISS

You want a Tarot Reading?   Some suggestions when you want a reading? Where to go? What to do?

Addicted To YouTube Tarot Readings ?  and Psychic.... Trying to find answers where no answers lie?

How Rude does it Sound?   When someone demands to be gifted a Tarot Deck ....

When Reading Tarot and Something Stops You...  Some things you can do when you find something stopping you from reading a Querant...

Love Readings With Divination Cards - questions asked within the Context of a Tarot reading and my thoughts ...

Working with Tarot - Some thoughts and opinions about how I work with Tarot ...

How You can Read Tarot By Email -  This is some thoughts and opinions ....

Feeling Exhausted when Reading tarot for Others- Out of Sorts and sick ? 
Some ideas that may help you during this time to stay protected and feeling healthier within self during Tarot readings ...

Repeated cards in Tarot Readings- What do you do when cards repeat themselves ?

tarot and other Divination practices- remembering the roots of Tarot


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune